Can we be friends again?

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My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I see is pictures of floral arrangements. I wipe my eye viciously to make sure I'm not still stuck in some sort of dream or whatever. When I open my eyes, the pictures are still there. I looked around and they are actually everywhere! Flowers of all different types and color variations. There were ribbons, and twine, and bows, and lace literally scattered across the room.

"Babe! What is this?" I groaned waking up, noticing Eve holding up a magazine.

"This is our wedding babe. I'm trying to pick flowers, so we can match my bouquet to the floral centerpieces!" She mumbled back, not even looking at me.

"Honey, honey, honey." I rolled out of bed and looked around the room. "This is why I have an office in this apartment. For things like this!" I stressed, throwing my hands around the room.

"I know, I know. But I just started and couldn't stop. We still have so much to do and such little time to do it in!" She shot back.

"Well, can we please move all of this into the office, so I can have my room back?" I pleaded going to grab some things to move.

"No, no! Don't touch anything. I'll move this all into the office. You're going to ruin the way I have it all organized." She snapped, grabbing my arm. "Go walk lightning. I'll have this all taken care of by the time you get back." She hurried me out of the room and I was glad to go. If I had to look at one more shade of pink flower I was going to puke.

"Here lightning. It's time for your walk!" I shouted through the apartment and lighting scurried out of his hiding place. I feel like even he was trying to hide from all this wedding preparation stuff.

I hooked his leash onto his collar let him drag me on his favorite path. His favorite path also happened to be the longest path. And I wasn't opposed to being out of the house an extra 10 minutes.

It's like my entire life has been consumed by this wedding. All eve talks about anymore is the wedding. What cake should we get? Lemon, apparently because our guests will love it even though I hate lemon flavored things. What should our seating charts for the ceremony and reception be? Even though I feel like it's utterly stupid to have a seating chart for the ceremony, but I guess when we're inviting over 500 of our closest friends and family we have to have a seating chart. And don't even get me started about who's going to be on that guest list.

Eve is spending so much time making this wedding the most exclusive talk of this town. The date and location are being kept under lock and key unless you're on the invitation list. Only a select group of journalist from a select group of media outlets are allowed inside of the event, but only during parts of the ceremony and reception. We are literally flying in the top chefs and bakers to prepare the food. We're hiring some of my friends and fellow artists to perform at the event. We're giving out expensive and luxurious party favors. "You have to throw an A list event, to be an A list celebrity." Eve has said from the beginning. I don't know... I don't get why we have to have all the theatrics. I mean, there's more that goes into a wedding that just the wedding. We have the engagement party that we threw about 2 months after we got engaged. And then Eve threw her bridal shower a month ago. Then Eve and I have our bachelorette and Bachelor parties. And there's so much more theatrics that go into that as well. It's like everything leading to this wedding is just a show. Why can't weddings just be about the two people anymore? I mean, yea back when I was younger I could see myself having a big wedding, but by big wedding I meant about 100 to 150 people. Not close to 600 people. I wanted it to be outdoors and cozy, so my guest felt like it was a family event. Not trapped indoors making my guests feel like they are at a fucking awards show ceremony or something.

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