The Only Thing I Really Wished For

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Lana's P.O.V.

The sound of my phone ringing and almost falling off on my nightstand woke me up. I patted around for the device before noticing it was a number I didn't recognize. Hesitantly, I answered.

"Good morning." I croaked, shuffling into a sitting position.

"Oh, good morning Lana!" Eve's voice burst through the phone. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" She added softer.

"No. No, I was just getting up for the day." I lied, trying to sound more awake than I was.

"Okay, great! Asher gave me your number, well I kind of forced it out of him. I guess that's the journalist in me. I wanted to know if you'd be willing to do a small interview with me. It's just I have been following your career as Eliza from the very beginning and I just wanted to get an interview with you now that your time on the cast is slowly coming to an end. Just to get a glimpse into your brain and how it's been working on this show. Please, please do it." She begged. Her words came out as fast as bullets, I could barely understand her. Just listening to her speak gave me anxiety. No wonder Asher is... you know what. I'm gonna leave that box unopened.

"Yes. I would love to." I agreed.

"Fantastic! Would you be able to meet me in, say, an hour and a half at The Brew?" She asked hastily. The Brew was a coffee shop that was literally walking distance from my apartment.

"Sounds good." I confirmed.

"Perfect! See you soon Lana!" She chirped before hanging up the phone. She seems like... a lot to handle. I don't know how Asher... I thought I was keeping that box closed. I tried to keep that box closed until that asshole decided to fucking sing me a song that he wrote about me! How else am I supposed to react to that? I mean, what went through his mind and made him believe that was a good idea? I mean, okay fine. His manager told him to sing the song or whatever, but what kind of manager tells his client "hey, I know your vocal coach is your ex-girlfriend and all, and I know that you wrote this song about her, but like you need to finish this song. So get her to help you." That is one hundred percent not what I needed. Now... now I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about the lyrics. I can't stop thinking about how he sung it... I mean, he had never sung that well since we started these lessons. He sang without any hiccups. He sang with depth and emotion. He sang without anything holding him back. And everything about that took me back to our first night on the beach. Because when Asher was just Asher. Back before fame happened to him. Back before this tragedy happened to him. Back when singing and writing lyrics were the most important things in his life. Back when there was a light in his eyes that you couldn't look away from, even if you tried. When he sang that song to me, I felt like I did that night. As if it was only us two in the whole world. As if, everything else going on in our lives didn't matter. As if we were back to a time where Asher was Asher and I was myself, just being ourselves. And the entire time I couldn't pull my eyes away from him if I tried. That's why I had to move away from him. That's why I couldn't look at him when my phone went off. It's because everything about that session. Everything about that moment with him... it felt a little too good for comfort.

I rolled out of bed and began my morning routine. I didn't really want to do this interview with Eve, but it's the nice thing to do. And I'm a nice person. Or, at least I'm trying to be. I'm trying to be supportive of Asher and his pursuits in life. Even if it means that's he's going to get married to someone who I think is totally wrong for him. However, it's not my decision to make. And besides, I haven't even really had a conversation with Eve. I don't actually know her. She could be perfect for Asher and I just haven't seen it yet. So, that's why I'm doing this interview with her. I want to be sure that Asher ends up with someone who is going to make him happy for the rest of his life. Because that's what he deserves.

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