You'd Be Surprised By The Power Words Have

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Asher's P.O.V

I was startled awake by the sound of barking.

"Lightning quit it!" I yelled, burying my face in my pillow. Yet, his barking didn't end. "Eve, see what Lightning wants!" I yelled again, and still no answer. Okay, what's going on? I rolled out of bed and slipped on some pant. Heading out of my room I shuffled to the living room where Lightning was barking at the door. My black lab was scratching at the door. I got him about 3 years ago. He's been my best bud, and I got kind of lonely in this apartment. I was living with Adam when we first moved to New York, then he went to live with his girlfriend and I moved into a really nice one bedroom in a great area. And then they broke up. She moved to Florida and he didn't want to leave the apartment because he loved it and I really liked this apartment so, now we're both living alone. However, I go over to his place all the time and he comes here.

"Eve!" I called out again. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge.

Had to go to work early, didn't have time to walk Lightning for you. Don't forget our cake appointment today. I set it so you have enough time after your session with Lana to get there on time. Love you! –Eve

Great. I'll get the apartment to myself for a while. I mean, technically Eve doesn't live with me. Eve's real traditional. She doesn't believe that a couple should live together before they get married. However, she tries to spend a couple days in the week with me because she's always travelling on weekends for work. I mean, as an entertainment journalist she has to go and watch plays and go interview celebrities at premieres, things like that. So, she travels all over the world.

I went to put on a shirt and some shoes to go walk Lighting.

"Alright buddy. Let's go." I smiled grabbing his leash. He jumped up on me and I was able to hook him. It doesn't matter how strong I am, this little guy when he's ready to go, can drag me just about anywhere. So, why lightning? Well, first, he's all black so... Grease Lightning. I got him when I was still hung up on Lana, so sue me. But also, he has a white stripe on his stomach that's shaped like a lightning bolt.

He finished his business, we headed home, and I poured him some breakfast before just grabbing an apple for myself. I really need to work on music. I grabbed my music journal. This thing has music that I've been writing since I first started writing music. Of course, I move some of my more mature stuff into a different journal. My manager wants a slow, Ballard, love song on this album. My songwriter found one of my old songs and is determined to make me complete it. However, I don't really want to complete it. The title is Last Love. I began writing that song about 5 years ago when I left that note for Lana in her dressing room. I was still so in love with her. All of my feelings were like a swirling tornado inside of my head just trying to get out. I released it in the only way I knew how, by writing a song. I have a good majority of the lyrics complete. I'm missing a verse and the bridge, but other than that it's done. I don't want to complete it now because I don't want to bring back up all of those emotions. I was in a really vulnerable state when I wrote that song. Part of me was still hopeful that Lana and I would find our way back to each other again and part of me had given up hope. When I wrote this song I still had in my heart that I wanted to be the last person she was in love with. I wanted to be her happy ending. Her forever, because that's what she was to me. She was my beginning and my end and I didn't care what happened in the middle as long as I got back to her. Then she got together with that dickbag Damion Wilder. Just his name alone screamed asshole and makes me want to punch him in the face, but I digress. I don't know what she ever saw in that guy, I mean seriously. Lana could do way better than him. Adam tried his very hardest to convince her not to date him, but it didn't work. She was smitten, for God knows what reasons. And I was heartbroken. Granted, it was kind of my fault. I mean, I felt like it was way too late to try to start anything with Lana again. Even though Adam said that it wasn't too late and I should've just talked to her. And yes, I should've just talked to her, but I was a punk. And I'll admit that. So, that's why I started writing this song. I don't know what I ever thought I was going to get out of this. I was just wallowing in self-pity at that point. But soon after that I met Eve. And Eve is great. She's nice and sweet. She's successful. She's gorgeous. I mean, any guy would dream of marrying her. I love her. I do.

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