4: A Passing Glance

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"Be careful with the steps, mother."

"Yes, yes. Mother sees them, Yan'er."

Mei Yanran helped a stately-looking matron off their carriage before turning to look at the building before them.

Fresh snow had fallen overnight, leaving a clean layer of white covering the eaves of the palace gates. Servants had long cleared out the steps and covered them in carpet for the visiting guests so they wouldn't slip. Some were moving to help out guests from other carriages before leading the way inside.

It had been three weeks since Mei Yanran had entered this world. The Goddess of Fates had left after the first day, leaving Mei Yanran to get acquainted with her new 'family.' Her mother here was a typical gentle and quiet woman, her father a steady and docile sort. In short, they were perfectly bland and average, the type made to fade into the background without causing her any trouble. Mei Yanran had requested them to be that way, of course--she didn't need any extra obstacles in her mission for love! Despite this, she couldn't help but feel her heart flutter as her mother pressed a copper hand warmer into her arms. It had a pumpkin-shaped base and a delicate lattice work design at the top, certainly nothing compared to the enameled creations of the nobility. Still, Mei Yanran cradled it like a treasure as she shot her mother a quizzical look.

"Your fingers are delicate," her mother fretted. "Mind that they don't catch cold."

"Mother, your hands are delicate too," Mei Yanran smiled and leaned in close. "Come on, let's share it together."

"You impudent child, always getting the best of me with your words," her mother chuckled before giving Mei Yanran an affectionate poke on the nose.

Mei Yanran grinned. This might only be her pretend mother in this world, but she liked her all the same. In fact, she liked her lots!

"All right, now," Ahead of them, Mei Yanran's father was waiting for the pair to catch up. "We'll be entering the palace soon, so mind your appearances."

"Old man, it's you who should be mindful of your own looks!" Mei Yanran's mother scolded. "Your scowl will scare away all the young men before they catch a glimpse of our Yan'er!"

"If they're shooting her looks without my permission, then I don't want them!" Mei Yanran's father huffed.

Mei Yanran laughed. She doubted she could compare to some of the jade-skinned beauties in the novel, especially since she'd kept her own looks and figure upon entering this world. She had requested it specifically because as a dancer she knew her own body best. Besides, Mei Yanran reasoned, There's so many gorgeous-looking fairy types floating around that I'll blend right in if I'm like them. She had confidence in her own merits.

As the trio entered the imperial hall, a eunuch loudly proclaimed their arrival.

"Official of the Fifth Rank, Mei Jingyan, with Lady Han and daughter!"

There were nine ranks total for officials in the government, and her father Mei Jingyan (梅靜言) fell precisely in the center. Mei Yanran felt the gazes turning their way as they walked to their seats. Her family backstory was sparse, her father having been appointed a post in the capital after a long and meritorious career in some far off town. As it was, they didn't have many friends in the city--but that meant they had no enemies, either.

Mei Yanran kept her eyes dutifully lowered while secretly peeking at the other members of the audience hall. Most of the guests ignored them, but a few shot them polite looks. Still more simply spared them a glance before going back to their friends and chats instead. She caught snatches of conversation as well.

"Mei family...? I haven't heard of them."

"They accepted their post three months ago. I've heard that Mei Jingyan is a man of solid character."

"Aye, pity he doesn't have a son, though his daughter looks sweet enough."

"That's right. She might not be a great beauty, but she holds herself quite well. Those steps--it's almost as if she's walking on clouds."

"Mm, truly delicate."

"A refreshing picture!"

That would be her dance training kicking in. Mei Yanran was still beaming brightly when she took her seat beside her mother with the other women in the hall. After exchanging some civilities with her neighbors, she was free to let her eyes wander about, flitting, like so many others, to the front where the nobility had their seats. She counted down until she saw the table of the third imperial son--male lead Chu Yexuan (楚燁軒). He had an open face and easy smile, clear signs of his honest and upright personality. Currently, he was listening to his second imperial brother weave another fantastical tale.

Mei Yanran's gaze shifted to the females next, and found the female lead sitting some distance away from herself. With her clear, bright eyes and fine features, Wei Wanru (衛婉如) was every inch a beautiful young doe, pure and graceful. Still, Mei Yanran knew all too well what kind of steely resolve lay beneath that placid smile. There was a stubbornness there too, that would rival the most obstinate of donkeys. She giggled a bit, before allowing her eyes to drift about leisurely until she saw someone that made her breath catch.

He was wearing pale blue robes that highlighted the fairness of his skin. Silky black hair pooled down past his shoulders, as dark as liquid ink. They framed a face with a long, straight nose, fine lips, and curved, elegant eyebrows. Above the brows was a pair of bright red dots that almost looked like flower petals--the most distinctive detail on the face besides the owner's sharp and penetrating eyes. Mei Yanran stared in unabashed delight as Ling Fengxiao's tapered fingers picked up a wine cup and took a slow sip. He was sitting at his own table like all the other officials at his side, but there seemed to be an extra shell of ice around him that kept everyone else at bay.

He looks great even when he's not doing a thing! Mei Yanran was so caught up in her secret flashback reel of Ling Fengxiao's 'cool moments' that she didn't notice when the man returned her stare. A sudden chill made her jolt to her senses before she experienced the full brunt of his frigid look head-on.

A-as expected of Ling Fengxiao! His glare is enough to freeze your soul solid!

Too excited to be afraid, Mei Yanran's smile widened as she positively beamed at him. He was living up to her expectations so well! Ling Fengxiao graced her with another few seconds of staring before looking away. The utter disregard with which he dismissed her left Mei Yanran for a loop, but she recovered quickly enough.

Goddess of Fates, don't forget to pull your strings!

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