6: Their Own Thoughts

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The somewhat awkward meeting left Mei Yanran's face flushed---but on the bright side, she wasn't sleepy anymore.

Now that I remember, the female lead had to go get her backup zither for this part of the novel because one of her rivals hid her favorite one...

Thinking up to here, Mei Yanran's eyes darted around the crowd until they rested on the 'rival' in question, who was sitting even further up the rows of officials and subjects than Wei Wanru. She was the eldest daughter of the head of the Ministry of Rites, know for her accomplishments in music and painting throughout the capital, Li Siyan (李思煙). And yet, like most love rivals, she was unhappy with her lot and seriously insecure about her crush's feelings.

Mei Yanran propped her chin in her hands as she spied one of the great beauties of Yan Capital (燕都) leisurely popping a grape into her mouth, the living image of a languid noble. If Li Siyan had noticed Wei Wanru's quiet departure, she didn't seem to show it---or care. Instead, her eyes were subtly shooting looks at the upper tier of tables, where the three imperial princes sat dining with their elders.

Yep, one track mind.

Mei Yanran only gave a passing glance to the distant princes before swiveling back to her favorite person in the room. With some surprise, she noticed that Ling Fengxiao was looking at the princes as well---and sipping wine while at it. Her first thought was---how many cups has he drank already?---followed by---he doesn't really have a thing for the male lead, right? Right?!

Her staring must have been too intense because once again, Ling Fengxiao's eyes slid to meet hers. The contact was electric, and Mei Yanran felt a thrill run down her spine as he seemed to look right through her. She shivered and tried not to smile too much, ducking her head to gulp down a mouthful of cold tea.

Too intense!


Across the hall, Ling Fengxiao arched his brow at the nondescript girl avoiding his gaze. It was hard to see her features from here when she was sitting behind her father, but the intensity of her stare had been impossible to ignore.

That's the second time. I'm beginning to wonder whether I have something on my face.

He set down his eighth cup of wine just as a figure leaned down to murmur by his ear.

"Master, should I make some inquiries?" The speaker was Chang Yin (昌胤), his personal guard. Ling Fengxiao simply raised his hand and slowly shook his head.

"No need." I've already looked into it.

Mei Jingyan was one of those modest, upright officials who had earned his position through merit and genuine good work. Most of his life had been unremarkable until the sudden illness of one of the capital's officials had the emperor summoning him here to take his place. His wife came from a respectable family of minor scholars, and he had one daughter---though information about her was pitifully scarce. She was either completely ordinary or someone who'd never bothered to make a name for herself---a girl who kept out of trouble, then.

But with an inquisitive nature, Ling Fengxiao mused again, recalling how the girl had stared at him openly in the palace. Bold, as well.

And most likely ignorant. Leaving aside the basics of court etiquette, any person, man or woman, with the gall to stare him down had better be prepared to shoulder the burden of his scrutiny in turn. He kept his gaze on the girl a bit longer, but she remained with her head bowed. Finding no progress, Ling Fengxiao turned his attention back to the princes, eyes narrowing as Chu Yexuan moved to raise goblets with his brothers at the emperor for a toast.

Shuyang, you know you're a terrible drinker.

Most likely his elder brother had led the toast, forcing his younger ones to join in. Ling Fengxiao glanced at his own cup and mentally calculated the time.

Thankfully, the emperor should be speaking about now...

As if on cue, the empress dowager leaned in towards the emperor, who gave her a smile and a nod. The motion sent a ripple of silence undulating through the hall. Soon afterwards, the emperor rose to his feet.

"My beloved officials, generals---fellow subjects!" The reigning emperor of the Chu Dynasty was a man only approaching his fifties, but a long spell of illness over the past few years had left him with hoary strands of hair by his temples. Even now, his face seemed gaunt above the resplendent dragon robes, though his eyes were as lively as ever.

"It is our pleasure and the Great Chu's blessing to have gathered you all today. Our country could not have prospered half so well without the efforts of wise councillors and warriors alike!"

As the emperor waxed poetic about his people and his country, Ling Fengxiao lost himself in picking apart the nuances in his speech. Placing the civil officials over the military---His Majesty still wishes for peace. Reminding subjects of their contributions---a call for unity, and an appeal for support.

If a sovereign was the lifeblood of a country, then his health affected that of his lands and people. This was only the emperor's third public event since his recovery from the latest bout of illness, so it was paramount he made a strong impression.

"...traditions of our stalwart north. The empress dowager shall be presiding as judge as always, gracing the most talented lady of our land with her favor!"

Ling Fengxiao sipped another mouthful of wine, feeling the cool liquid burning down his throat. The emperor's greatest strength is his charisma. Who will be strong enough to inherit that mantle when he passes?

Have you made your preparations, Shuyang?

On the other side of the hall, Mei Yanran had finally lifted her head again. She was only half-listening to the emperor as she mentally reviewed the plot. (The poor man was destined to die in a few months, anyways.) The female lead hadn't been here for this part, but she did run into love interest #2 (the cousin) just outside. He had hand-delivered her backup zither from home while intercepting the servant sent to fetch it. They were probably having their first meet-cute moment now while she had free reign to oogle---no, observe---her target of interest narrowing his eyes in the emperor's direction.

I can't stare at him while I dance, Mei Yanran mused to herself, So how is the Goddess of Fates going to attract his attention, I wonder?

But her idle thoughts soon vanished when the empress dowager spoke, startling her from her reverie.

"May the performances begin!"

The competition was finally starting!

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