14: Observations

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The first thing Mei Yanran did upon returning to her seat was to peek at Ling Fengxiao. When she saw that he wasn't paying her any attention, she indulged in staring for a while before her mother pulled her close.

"Yan'er, what was that all about?" she murmured.

"Ah?" Mei Yanran pulled her eyes from her crush to look at her mother. "Plum blossom viewing, mother."

"But you are going to a man's estate, Yan'er!" Lady Han stole a peek at Ling Fengxiao across the table, frowning at the sight of the figure toying with his wine cup. "You shouldn't go alone, at least. Take one of the servant girls along."

"Right, mother." Mei Yanran waited for more, but when the woman left it at that, she silently exhaled. Good, good. They're keeping to their profiles and not demanding too much.

She glanced at her father next, but all he did was crease his brows slightly and remark, "Bring two."

"Yes, father." I can have the servants entertain each other while I wander around, heh.

Now that the main event was over, there wasn't much left for the guests to do beyond finish up their meals. However, if things went according to the novel, news of her victory at the Snow Festival would spread throughout the capital before the night was over. Out of curiosity, Mei Yanran glanced over at the females. Li Siyan was nowhere to be seen, having excused herself early by saying that she was feeling unwell. Wei Wanru, however, simply caught her look and returned it with a small smile.

Well, at least she's not angry that I won.

Mei Yanran smiled back and added a little wave to boot. Her gaze swept across the princes next---too far from her to make out clearly---then back to her own male lead, who had now returned to his wine. As before, her protracted staring didn't move him at all, and she enjoyed the sight of him until a sliver of doubt crept into her mind.

Weird...is this what the goddess meant by pulling his strings during my performance? He doesn't seem affected at all...

If anything, Ling Fengxiao looked less interested than before she danced! Her hand flew to her skirts next, cradling the jade pendant attached to her belt. While it looked like an ordinary accessory, it was the last gift that the goddess had left her before withdrawing from this world. Every transmigration heroine needed a cheat, after all, and Mei Yanran's was---a portable Love-O-Meter!

That's right, for the low, low price of one (1) traffic accident, she got a nifty piece of jade that would heat up whenever her crush was developing feelings for her! It was better than other jewelry because she could pair it with anything, yet unobtrusive enough to blend in in most historical Chinese settings! Moreover, if Ling Fengxiao loved her with enough intensity, it'd probably generate enough heat to cook an egg!

...what's that?

You're asking what else it does? Well, the answer to that would be---

"---absolutely nothing," Mei Yanran murmured as she cradled the cool jade in her hands. Despite her disappointment, she had to admit that it was impossible for Ling Fengxiao to have feelings for her on first sight. The last woman he adored had died long before the start of the novel and he'd never turned lovey-dovey since.

Oh well. Guess I'll just stare as much as I like since he's ignoring me!

And so, a budding stalker was born.


On the other side of the hall, Ling Fengxiao raised a hand to massage his temples before pointedly ignoring the sensation of prickling hairs on his neck. He was not going to cave in and stare back.

He was not!


Back at the imperial family's tables, the three sons of the Chu emperor were still reeling from the results of the contest and the winner's wish.

"Third brother, isn't that Fengxiao fellow a friend of yours?" Chu Yeguang asked off-handedly

"Hm? Sort of," Chu Yexuan said, distracted. "We play weiqi together."

"You mean, you sit and watch him take over your pieces every single time," Chu Yeci reminded him helpfully.

Chu Yexuan gave his second brother a look of exasperation. "I'm learning," he shot back. Chu Yeci simply settled for an unreadable smile.

"My weiqi teacher recommended him to me as a partner to improve my skills," Chu Yexuan added. "I just didn't expect him to be...that far ahead."

"Rather than that, have you been to those Winterflower Woods?" Chu Yeguang leaned in again. "Are they really as famed as all that for a bunch of trees?"

Chu Yexuan raised his eyebrows. "They say that the plum blossoms cover the branches like living embroidery and their petals scatter in the winds like the rain, when the first snow melts."

"It sounds dull..." Chu Yeguang muttered to himself, before quirking a grin. "Although I wouldn't mind those plum blossoms covering myself."

"Elder brother, please don't be crude," Chu Yeci muttered as he sipped his tea.

"I don't know, isn't that supposed to be kind of poetic?" Chu Yexuan asked, before Chu Yeci thwapped him with a grape for missing the innuendo.

"In any case," the middle Chu son said with a cough. "I never expected Miss Mei to win the contest. I suppose imperial grandmother saw the chance to avoid a compromise and took it." He glanced at the upper tables, where the empress dowager was busy conversing with the empress while the emperor ate.

"Mm. She was going to pick that Wei girl, wasn't she?" Chu Yeguang muttered, while Chu Yexuan's heart gave a start at the name.

Wei Wanru...

There was something deeply attractive about a girl that could remain so calm under pressure. Even though she hadn't won a thing, he felt a keen urge to find out more about her and see those tranquil eyes up close.

"Imperial grandmother was fortunate to find a quality performance so close to the end," Chu Yeguang murmured, his eyes fixed on a distant point in the hall. Dammit, I'm too far to see anything from here.

Seeing both his brothers looking so distracted, Chu Yeci simply said nothing and refilled his cup. Of all the Chu imperial sons, Chu Yeguang was the bluntest, Chu Yexuan the densest, and himself the most subtle between them both. Being sickly since birth, his one ambition in life was to pass his days peacefully regardless of who took the throne.

Meanwhile, Chu Yeguang liked to chase every beauty he met and was obviously interested in the newest addition to the capital. Chu Yexuan...he forgets everything when he's not interested, but remembers all the details when he is.

A zither player and her war song, a dancer and her wish.

One only hopes, Chu Yeci thought quietly, That these women won't cause more trouble than they're worth.


Author's Notes: The OTP trailer in chapter 1 has been updated to include subtitles for the lyrics. (uwu) Enjoy figuring 'em out and drawing your own conclusions!

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