The Merge

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Next Morning..

Xiumin woke up by the little angels trying to wake him up in all ways but he pretended he's still asleep to keep them playing on top of him.

"Come on guys, let the guy get some proper rest!" Their father said chuckling at their doings while preparing breakfast.

"It's okay" Xiumin said lifting up his head, "I can stop them myself!" He said and opened his eyes taking the-lion-who-attacks-the-deer-pose, the kids screamed and ran everywhere while Chanyeol laughed at them, Xiumin running after them making them spread everywhere and laugh so hard.

They had breakfast together without the grandmother who said earlier that she's not hungry, which made Chanyeol frown but he assumed she wanted Xiumin to feel freely without an elder around-which the other didn't mind at all to be honest but ladies at all ages can be sensitive at times.

After breakfast, Xiumin stood, "Thank you so much for last night and this morning, I never stayed this long having fun for a really long period." He said using simple words for the kids to understand as well.

"Oppa, you're leaving?" Jolie, the little girl asked feeling sad.

"Umm, Oppa has to leave." Xiumin said smiling at her.

"But hyung, why don't you stay a little while?" The injured boy asked, while Chanyeol patted on his son's shoulder, "It's okay, hyung will be having dinner with us tonight." He said smiling.

Xiumin pointed at himself, "I am?" He asked, making Chanyeol chuckle, "Why? You have other plans? I mean you-" Xiumin stopped the laughing giant in front of him from continuing what he was about to say and nodded, "Yes, I am I guess. Before your father starts saying things he shouldn't! " He said making Chanyeol die of laughter, "You don't even know what I was about to say! " Chanyeol said as Xiumin looked at him chuckling putting on his jacket, "I can imagine! " Then he looked at the kids, "I'll be back for dinner, kids. Text me what yo want for dessert " He said as he waved goodbye and closed the door behind him.

"Get ready kids, you have to go to school " Chanyeol said patting on the boys while his mother came out, "I'll take them, you go to your work." She said avoiding his gaze.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? " He asked.

"No.." She pushed the kids upstairs. "Did you have good time last night with Xiumin? " She asked taking the first step of the stairs, "Yes, awesome night. He's a great guy." He smiled.

He went to change his cloths when he remembered something, he actually didn't tell her, his name was Xiumin, could it be that she still remembers his name after all these years?

"I couldn't remember much myself.. For his name, if he didn't say it, I wouldn't figured it out on my own." He told himself.

"Anyways.." He said taking his keyes and phone. As he opened his car's door, he found his mother running towards him, "Chanyeol.. Chanyeol, wait up!" He turned around and smiled at her, "Yes, I'm still here." He said.

"Can you wait a while? I need to talk to you." She said.

"What is it? Feel free to talk." He said smiling gently and leaned on the door.

"Inside.. Let's get inside, I'm making some tea." She said.

"Oh, looks like it's something big. " Chanyeol said smiling and walked inside the house.

He spat the tea, "What?! What did you just say?" He screamed at her raising his eyebrows, widening his eyes and opening his mouth.

"Well, that's the truth anyway!" She said as she stood up and started walking away.

He followed her, "You throw such a thing in my face, telling me that's the truth and you're leaving me without any further explanation? What am I supposed to do now? Are you for real?" He asked as he stood right in front of her putting his hands on his waist and looking straight to her, waiting for an answer, "I told you what I've got. There's no more! " She said and pushed him aside, went to her room and slammed the door shut.

"What the hell is she angry about? I should be the one slamming this house down!! " He said angrily looking at the closed door.

Xiumin took all the way home walking, he is used to it and he likes it. Beside, he's quiet sure his mother wouldn't be awake so early with siblings sleeping over, they spent the night chatting and laughing indeed.

He arrived home, and when he did he found no siblings, but there is his mother awake having her coffee alone in the balcony.

"Good morning, Mother." He said smiling as she smiled back at him, "Morning, come here. " She told him and he sat beside her.

Few minutes later, he stood up angrily, staring at his mother, "What the hell are you saying?" He asked furiously.

"Xiumin, please!"

"Please, What, Mama? Ha? Have you heard what you've said with your own mouth?"

"Xiumin, I'm sorry.."

He rushed out of the balcony and went to his room, closed the door behind angrily, sat on the bed and rested his elbows on his knees, "What the hell?" He said then stood up, walking everywhere before he stood in front of his bed and saw the file on the mattress, he took it and opened it. As he started reading, blood became thick and hot inside if his body, all what his mother told him is true. 'But why didn't I know before? Why is she telling me only now? What the hell is this?' Questions kept on pumping out in his head. He stayed still for an hour, feeling numbed and confused. Then he heard knocking on his door, "Xiumin, can I come in? " His mother asked but he couldn't reply, when he didn't, he heard her walking away. Then his phone vibrated in his pocket, unlocking it, he received a message, "Are you free now? Something came up." Chanyeol texted him, he texted him back, "I'm free but give me couple of hours, I need to think of something. Meet me later at the restaurant that's new down the street of your clinic." Xiumin texted him back.

"Sounds good. Meet you there! " Chanyeol replied, he had to check with his patients while Xiumin spent the day in his room, re-reading the file, and making phone calls. Soon after, he changed his cloths, and without a word he just left..

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