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Author notes
Hey guys just a heads up, this is not a PG book, there is swearing and foul language, but there is no sketchy scene between characters.
EDIT: 1.59k readers!!! Thank you so much!!
- Cassandra


U awake?
Wake up ur going to be late!

Shit! I'm on my way

Leave it to Chloe to wait last minute, I swear that girl is going to drive me insane.
As I make an attempt to get ready for the day, I run down my stairs barely jumping over my cat, and landing safely next to my sister ready to go to my last year of high school.

"You forgot to set your alarm again," my sister says poking at me. She's only a freshman and she's already perfected her high school attitude.

"No... my alarm just happens to live across the street and forgot about me," I joke back. In truth, I haven't set my alarm for a year straight. Chloe is always up and ready to go, so she just wakes me up for school.

"Whatever, mom says you have to drive me to school," she informs.

"Kaylee, we go to the same school, mom doesn't need to tell me to drive you I'm doing it already," I point out. We better get going or she's not going to make it to school.

As we walk out of the house, I see Chloe sitting by my car waiting for us.

"Do you have to sit ON my car?" I question.

"Yep, it's the only way you'll see me," Chloe comments back.

"You guys are weird," Kaylee voices in with an annoyed tone. "Do I get shotgun?"

"Hell no, you are only a freshman and Chloe is a senior so she gets shotgun," I dictated. "Also you're annoying me right now so suck it."

"Jerk," she snaps at me.


"You sure you guys are related?" Chloe questions.

We get in the car and make our way to The Bronx High School of Science. The best school for smart kids who love science.

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