New Kid

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I didn't see Tom at all for the rest of the day. It's like the kid disappeared or something. But what I did see was Chloe's failed attempt at flirting.

"Hey John, how was your vacation?" I watch Chloe lean on the wall while talking to a guy she found hot.

"Um... vacation was like months ago... and I have to go now," this kid looks terrified of Chloe. Did I miss something?
I then see him look at me then look at Chloe and leave. Oh I see... he's scared of me... good.

"Damn, it's like he saw a ghost or something," Chloe says walking up to me.

"Yeah, weird," I brush off, knowing Chloe would be upset if I was the cause of that. "Hey you're always in the loop on new gossip, I got a question," I ask. Maybe Chloe will know about Tom.

"Yeah, ask away," she encourages.

"Is there any rumor about a new exchange student for England?"

"What?" She asks confused out of her mind. "I'm pretty sure if there was I would know by now," she states.

"Oh, okay," I decide not to push the matter.
What the hell!? Am I going insane? I could of sworn I rammed a door into a hot British g-

"Holy shit!" Chloe whispers at me.

"What?" I whisper back.

"I found your new kid," she says, pointing behind me.
I see him walking towards us, with his eyes on his phone and not watching where he was going. Guess he didn't learn his lesson with the door. I smirk to myself with the idea of hitting him again.

"Hey, New Kid!" Chloe yells at him. I turn around immediately, shushing her to not get his attention. She ignores me completely.

"Are you lost?" She asks.

"Uh, yeah," he smiles back walking to us. "I was wondering if you could- aren't you the girl who hit me with the door?" He asks with a hint of laughter.

"Yep, that's me," I answer back. "I see you didn't learn your lesson since you're still looking at your phone," I tease.

"Hey, I'm a slow learner," he jokes back. "Cinderella," He says to me.

"What?" I ask confused. "That's not my name," I state.

"I know, but you ran away from me without telling me your name," he adds. "So I decided to give you the nickname Cinderella, the girl who ran away," he says that last part with a smile.
Oh my god his smile is gorgeous.

"Okay well, my name is Colleen, not Cinderella," I tell him. "And for the nickname, I guess you're stuck with new kid." I smirk. Let's see how he likes that.

"Wow, real original," he teases back.


"I swear if you make me late again-" I start, but Chloe is already dragging me to my next class.

"See you later Cinderella!" Tom calls to me.

"Later New Kid!" I call back.

As I walk with Chloe to our class I think how odd it is that no one knows about the new British student. He's like a secret student.

Author notes:
Looooove foreshadowing, super fun to write! Anyway, hope you're enjoying it so far, please excuse all the incorrect grammar/spelling. I read over chapters before publishing but not everyone's perfect. So enjoy the read!

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