The Fallout

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The day has finally arrived Saturday, I'm usually all for the weekend but having to wake up early to go to detention kind of ruins the mood.

As I'm sitting in detention looking at the white board, my mind starts to wander...and the topic is Tom.

Why did I agree to this? Why are we meeting at the park and not his house? Why does he get so dodgy when asked about his home life? Why doesn't he ask me out?.... WAIT WHY THE FUCK DID THAT COME TO MIND!?!?!

As I'm running through more questions I don't notice that Mr. Bouton has been trying to get my attention.

"Ms. Hale?" He asks politely. I don't hear him. "Ms. Hale," he says louder now.

"Hm?" I look at him with a bored look on my face.

"You may leave," he says kindly.

"Wait what?" I ask with my eyebrow raised with confusion written across my face. "I haven't even been here for 30 minutes."

"I know, but you've behaved perfectly this entire week and I don't want to be here as much as you do, so I'm going home," he says this while collecting his things and heading to the door. "You don't want to be here right?" He smirks.

"Ye- I mean leaving sir," I correct myself. For once in his life he's not being an ass. FINALLY!!! I smile to myself as I walk out the school's main door.

As I'm sitting in my car I realize Tom still thinks I'm in detention. I should arrive early and scare him... I'm going to go do that. I decide to tell Chloe about leaving early so someone knows where I am at least.

I'm walking in the park with my backpack thinking on what Tom might need help with. Logarithmic equations, quadratic equations, hell maybe even some trigonometry... as long as it isn't calculus. I haaaaaate calcu-

"Tom what the hell are you doing!?" My thoughts get interrupted by someone calling out to Tom. Maybe it's a different Tom.

"I'm just sitting on a bench," I hear Tom's voice. Nope same Tom.

I see him sitting on a bench wearing a grey hoodie with what looks like a suit jacket on and with some blue jeans. He's talking to another British boy with short curly brown hair. He looks pissed.

"No fucking way your sitting on bench?" he says fuming with sarcasm. "I mean why are you not on set right now? You have a job remember?" He continues to rant but I get distracted by what he just said. Why would Tom need to be on set? What's his job?

"Harrison, calm the fuck down," Tom says. "I told the director I wasn't coming in today, he's known for a week." Director!? Who are you?

That seemed to calm his friend down.
But I want to know what they mean by all of this.

"Why are we hear?" Harrison asks.

"I asked for a tutoring session with Colleen," Tom replies.

"You didn't bring anything," Harrison states.

"This is my subtle way of asking her on a date," he smiles.
Hearing that makes my face go bright red. Date!?

"You're pretending to be someone your not though," Harrison says. "What are you going to do if she finds out?"

"She's not going to find out until I want her to," Tom states. "Right now I like the whole 'normal thing,' I like being able to talk to a girl without being recognized."


"I'm surprised you haven't, to be honest," Harrison wonders. "I mean you where in "Heart of the Sea," with like Chris Hemsworth."

He was in a movie? I'm afraid to ask him what this means... HOLY SHIT I wasn't supposed to hear this stuff!!

I decide it's time to stop hiding from him and walk up like I didn't hear anything.

"I don't know what the conversation is but I hear Chris Hemsworth so it has to be good," I joke, walking up to Tom and Harrison.

"Hey! Cinderella I was wondering if you were going to be late to the ball," Tom horribly teases back.


"That sounded better in my head," he says. "Oh and this is Harrison my.... brother?" He finishes his sentence questioning calling his friend brother.

"Nailed it mate, I'm not his brother but I could pass as one," Harrison smiles.

"I figured, nice to meet you I'm Colleen," I smile back.

"I'm going to leave you two and I will pick you up around 2ish," Harrison makes his quick exit away from us.

"Where's your stuff New Kid?" I ask.

"Oh right...well the thing is... I was wondering if.... you would like to go on a date..." he sheepishly says to me with his face turning bright red.

"Oh... ummm... okay," I reply with my face warming up.

"Great! There's this pizza place that I found and I think you might like it," Tom smiles. "Or we can just walk the park instead."

"Its a nice day, how about the park?" I ask.

"Whatever you like Colleen," he says with sincerity.

Who are you Tom?

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