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Message from the author:

Hey, guys just heads up this chapter may be sad but I feel it would help round out the story to have a low point. So I guess enjoy a good sad chapter and enjoy.



"Well good news, he wasn't lying about the movie star stuff," Chloe confirms, laying on her bedroom floor looking on her computer. "I still can't believe I didn't recognize him, he was Spiderman in Civil War," she continues. "He was also in Heart of the Sea, The Lost City of Z, and The Impo-"

I tune her out. I don't want to listen. I just want to sleep to be honest. I think to myself wrapped up in Chloe's lilac comforter on her matching bed. I tried to get her to get a different color than purple. I still don't like the color, but it is warm...and safe.

"Colleen?" Chloe asks.


"You okay? You're being awful quiet."
She's worried.

"I'm good, just thinking."

"Do you want anymore ice cream?"

I look down at the empty bowl in my lap. The bowl that had cookie dough ice cream in it just a few minutes ago.

"Ice cream sounds nice," I muster a smile for her.

"Okay, I'll be right back," she sweetly smiles back.

I hand her the bowl and she leaves the room to myself...and the computer. I've been trying to avoid looking at a picture of him. How could I? After leaving the park and seeing that pained look on his face.

I couldn't resist anymore. I have to know. I click on the website and... I look.

"I guess he wasn't lying about having brothers... and being from West London," I ponder. "But still.... he lied about the acting, he could've been just pretending... doing his job." I feel something land on my hand, a tear. "Why?... why do I always fall for the fakes?" My single tear turns into a flood of heartbroken pain.


Tom didn't come to school on Monday... or Tuesday and Wednesday..... He didn't come back.

Chloe tried everything in her power to get me to forget. I can't.

"Okay class today we are going over your discussion questions on "How to Kill a Mockingbird," Mrs. Flowerday announces to the class. As I'm getting out my notebook I hear the kids behind me start whispering.

"Did you see the trailer?"

"I can't believe he was famous this whole time!"

"He's really hot, bummer he's not here anymore."

"Who are you talking about?" I but in.

"Tom, the exchange student! He was an actor this whole time!" One of them answers.

"Oh? That's really cool," I say. Best to act like I didn't know ahead of time.

I go the rest of the day acting shocked when I get told about Tom. As I'm getting my books from my locker, a piece of paper falls out with my name on it.

"Ooooo, somebody's got a secret admirer," Chloe sneaks up behind me.

"Or a blackmailer, this could go either way," I tease back.

"Hey, you just sounded like yourself just now," Chloe smiles.

I open the letter and begin to read.

Dear Colleen,

I'm sorry


Message from the author:

Boom! Done! Hopefully you survived this chapter. (If not no need to fear) story's not over folks, but it's getting there. Couple more chapters to go (don't know how many so please don't ask) so I will try to post as much as I can. That's all for now!


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