Lights, Camera, Premiere!

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Message from the author:

Play music when you see "Que music" trust me it'll fit with the story better.



As Chloe and I make our way through the hotel lobby to the black F.B.I. looking cars provided by Marvel. My eyes wander looking at all the excess personnel that have surrounded me and Chloe. Some makeup and hair stylists, a couple assistants in case either of us need anything, and a couple of bodyguards.

"I never knew this many people are part of an escort for celebrities," I whisper to Chloe.

"Same, I anticipated the bodyguards but not so many hair and makeup people," she whispers back to me.

"Since when did we get assistants? I'm pretty sure we don't need assistants," I state, still keeping my voice low.

We enter one of the three cars waiting for us. The seats are black leather, with a black carpet for the floor, and to top it off they give us black tinted windows.

"I'm noticing a theme here," Chloe says with a hint of sarcasm.

"We are heading to a movie premiere right? Not the White House?" I joke.

Chloe giggles as we continue to make jokes and talk about whatever comes to our minds. From,  "Do you think Tom got bombarded by makeup artists his first premiere?"  to "What would happen if Spider-man could control spiders instead of having the powers of a spider?" No matter how weird the conversation would get we would still circle back to talking about Tom.

"Do you think Tom knows that we are on our way to his premiere? Or does he think we are just exploring L.A., cause I didn't tell him we where coming to the premiere," I ask.

"I don't know? Maybe you should call him," Chloe suggests. And just after she finishes her sentence my phone goes off with a FaceTime request from Tom.

"How did you?" I say confused as all get out. 

I answer his call and hold my phone up so he can see me and Chloe.

"Hey, how was your guys fli- Why are you guys dressed in hundred dollar dresses?" He cuts himself off.

"Oh? You didn't know that Marvel sends people to make your guests to premieres look good?" I ask.

"I knew about that but how did they know you where coming to L.A.? I didn't think you guys wanted to come to the showing," Tom replies.

"Wait? You didn't send them?" I ask nervously.

"No..." he responds showing the same nervousness.

"Then who did?" I ask.

"ME!!" I here a distant yell from the background. Tom whips his head around and I can see him start to smile.

"You motherfucker!" He exclaims. Harrison walks into view of the camera laughing. 

"Surprise!" Harrison beams. 

Chloe leans close to me and whispers into my ear, "Who the hell is that?"

"His version of a Chloe," I tell her. She nods back satisfied with my answer.

"We have to go but we'll see you two lovelies real soon," Harrison says reaching for the phone. Tom pulls it away from him real quickly and leans close to the phone trying to rush out a couple last words.

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