Competitions and Confessions

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Zane X Veronica

Warning: Just so you lovely people know, there is a little bit of swearing in this. XD

Veronica's POV


"Augh, damn it all!"

Veronica glares at the barbell, which she dropped on the gym floor just seconds ago.

"Damn it, I almost cleaned 275 pounds," she growls, her hands literally smoking in frustration. "I was so close."

She looks at her reflection in the mirror. Her red and black sports bra is soaked with her sweat, and strands of hair are escaping from her already-messy ponytail.

"Having trouble power cleaning that, hothead?" a male voice taunts. "I could curl 275...with my pinkie toe."

Veronica whips around to find the source of the voice, finding Cole Brookstone standing behind her with a smug look on his face. Her older twin brother, Kai, is standing some short ways behind the Master of Earth. She returns Cole's smirk with a glare.

Great, on top of not PR-ing today, my older brother and my worst enemy show up. Freaking dandy.

"Screw you, Dirtclod," she snarls, gripping the barbell again. "Not everyone has the privilege of super strength. Some of us actually have to work for it."

Veronica proceeds to do a few deadlifts before setting the barbell down.

"And your hard work is paying off, Veronica," a polite voice chips in. "It is quite impressive."

The brunette almost falls face first onto the floor at the sound of another voice. She stands up straight and looks behind Cole and Kai to see Zane, Lloyd, and Jay had come to the gym as well. Her cheeks burn with embarrassment as she matches the voice with the Master of Ice.

"Oh, hey," Veronica greets coolly, a confident smile replacing the look of embarrassment in a hurry. "What are you guys doing here?"

Kai shoots his younger twin sister a smirk over Cole's shoulder.

"I told everyone that you go to a gym that's made especially for elemental masters, and they said they would be happy to join me," he says casually while he raises an eyebrow.

Veronica steps over the barbell and walks over to the rest of the group, deliberately knocking Cole's shoulder.

"Oh, really, now?" she asks, smirking. "Thanks for bringing me more competition, bro. I appreciate it."

Amber eyes meet amber eyes as the siblings share a knowing glance, and Veronica exchanges a bro hug with Kai.

"Alright, since I have more competition than just my reflection in the mirror, let's see who can outdo me in various barbell exercises. Whoever loses, is out of the competition," Veronica says while facing the ninja and closing her eyes. "I'm thinking of a number between one and seven. Whoever is the furthest away, gets to go against me first."






"My number was five," the brunette says, grinning. "That means the lucky sap who said 'one' gets crushed, I mean, gets to go first."

Jay gulps and takes a step forward.

"Well, well, Motormouth, looks like you're the lucky competitor for the first event today, the classic bench press," Veronica comments, grabbing his chin with her thumb and index finger, and her amber eyes burning into his blue ones. "Prepare to get burned."

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