When Two People Loathe Each Other

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Cole X Veronica (Enemy Pairing, VolcanoShipping)

So...what if there was a universe...where Cole and Veronica didn't actually hate each other, but just pretended to hate each other to hide their true feelings? I decided to play with this concept a little bit, and this is what I came up with.

Veronica's POV

"Oh, come on, sis, you've gotta come to game night!"

"No, Kai," Veronica hisses through clenched teeth. "If Dirtclod is showing up, I'm not gonna come. It's as simple as that."

Nya approaches her two older siblings.

"What did he ever do to you to make you dislike him so much, 'Nica?" she asks. "If I recall, I don't think he did anything to you in the first place."

The spiky-haired, brunette female exhales sharply through her nose.

"Besides, we can't really avoid each other anyway, since we all live under the same roof...erm, deck," Kai says, giving Veronica a nudge. "So, Cole, along with everyone else, is going to be there."

"I'm still not going to come with you above deck."

"There's pizza and hot wings."

Veronica's eyes light up.

"Okay, I'll come!" she exclaims, jumping up from her bed. "But only because there's two of my favorite foods just waiting for me to eat them!"

--Above Deck--

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, here's the first game," Jay begins enthusiastically. "We're going to play seven minutes in heaven!"

Veronica groans, rolling her eyes. She is well aware of what the rules are.

If I get Boulderbrain, I'm gonna torch the place.

"Each of you will place one item in this hat. Then, we will take turns picking an item. Whoever's item you pick is the person you go into the closet with below decks. If you're a guy and pick an item that belongs to someone who is a guy, you will draw again until you get a girl's item and vice versa. Okay? Cool!"

Jay comes around with a hat, which happens to be Sensei Wu's, and everyone drops an item in it. Kai drops in a small bottle of hair gel, Nya, a thick, gold bracelet with a red stone, Zane, a gear, Maryssa, a silver feather, Xena, an origami snowflake, Jay, a hammer, Lloyd, a comic book, Cole, a smooth pebble, and Veronica, her plain, thin, gold bracelet (which is a communicator and tracking device).

"Now, I'm thinking of a number between one and five," Jay says as he looks around at everyone. "Whoever gets the closest, gets to draw an item first."

Everyone says their number one at a time, and Jay grins mischievously.

"My number was three," he announces, glancing at Cole. "Cole guessed the number correctly, which is surprising, which means...he gets to pick an item first."

Veronica watches as the lightning ninja approaches Cole with the hat full of items. She closes her eyes as he rustled through the items, not wanting to see what he picked. After a few moments, the rustling stops, and a collective 'ooh' fills the room. She opens one eye carefully and wishes she hadn't. The earth ninja is holding her golden bracelet.

"Well, well, well, lookie here," the blue ninja says thoughtfully. "Looks like the two rivals get to spend some time together in the closet. Try not to destroy each other in there, will you?"

Veronica struggles angrily as Cole picks her up and throws her over his shoulder, and he carries her below the deck of the Bounty.

Cole's POV

"Ugh, put me down, doofus!" she says, pounding his back with her fists. "I don't want to spend seven minutes in there with you!"

"Sorry, Flamebrain, rules are rules," he responds begrudgingly, opening the door to the surprisingly-spacey closet and walking in.

Why did I have to get stuck with her?

"And for the record, I don't really want to spend seven minutes in a closet with you either."

Cole shuts the door, darkness encasing both ninja. Veronica is dropped to the floor with a deft thud.

"Ow, you could have set me down instead of dropping me," she hisses, sitting up with her back against the wall of the closet. "That hurt."

Cole doesn't answer as he sits down next to her, his eyes getting accustomed to the dark room.

"Why do you hate me so much?" he asks. "I never did anything to you."


"I understand, our personalities clash, but that shouldn't give you any reason to hate me," he continues. "In fact, I think I'll give you all the reasons why I hate you so much!"

More silence.

"You're arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, over-competitive, and hot-headed, you don't think before you act, you're stubborn, you like to show off, you're an obnoxious flirt, and...and you pay no regard for others' feelings!"

Veronica lets out a gasp.

"That last one isn't true, and you know it!" she snaps. "How dare you!"

"Well, do you think you have better reasons for why you hate me?" he fires back. "Tell me, why do you think you hate me more than I hate you?"

"I'll tell you why, Muddy Britches," Veronica snarls. "You've always picked on me for being a carbon-copy of my brother, for starters. You've always taken the last slice of pizza from me, beaten me at lifting heavy weights, having some drool-worthy, 8-pack abs, looking hot while doing the Triple Tiger Sashay, broken my favorite punching bag, and other reasons I can't think of, you stupid, idiotic, one-track-minded, black-hearted, brilliant, ridiculously good-looking, ignorant Dirtclod! This the time to show you just how much I hate you!"

The black-haired ninja's brown eyes widen in surprise as she grabs him by the collar of his shirt and her lips crash against his, her kiss full of fiery passion. He closes his eyes and returns the kiss with equal force, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her body flush to his, enjoying the heat radiating from the female fire ninja. She moves her hands up to his hair, interlacing her fingers through it. He takes her lower lip in his teeth and nibbles it, asking for entrance. She gladly complies, parting her lips to allow his tongue to slip inside her wet cavern. He lets out a dominating growl as their wet muscles battle for dominance, giving her hips a rough squeeze. A soft moan reverberates in the back of her throat. The door flies open, and light floods the closet, revealing Jay, Kai, and Xena standing outside the doorway.

"Whoa, ho-HO, looks like our two rivals were rather comfortable with each other!" the ginger male remarks, smirking.

"I thought for sure you two were going to tear each other's throats out in there," Kai adds with a wink. "I guess I was wrong."

"I didn't think it was possible for humans to hold their breath for that long," Xena says matter-of-factly.

Cole and Veronica detangle themselves from each other, putting as much space between them as possible. Cole fixes his messy hair, his face just as rosy as Veronica's.

"Wha--no, we weren't comfortable with each other in there!" Veronica stammers out, folding her arms and exhaling sharply through her nose. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Whatever you say," Kai says doubtfully while walking back upstairs with Jay and Xena. "C'mon, everyone else is waiting to have a turn in there."

Cole and Veronica send mock glares at each other.

"I hate you," Cole mutters, walking out of the closet.

"I hate you, too."

"I hate you more."

Veronica turns him around and kisses him hard on the lips again, briefly before pulling away and walking past him to go above deck.

"I hate you most."

Word Count: 1215 words

What the hell did I just write? XD

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