Forget Me Not

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" nindroid! And ninja... Never... Quit!"

Zane X Veronica

I re-watched The Titanium Ninja Episode and thought, "What would happen if another ninja defeated the Golden Master at their expense?" I decided to play around with this idea and imagine Veronica defeating the Golden Master. This was a tough work for me to write because that episode of Ninjago had me crying my eyes out, even after re-watching it. 

This was also inspired by a choral piece I sang when I was in eighth grade called "Forget Me Not," composed by Jerry Estes. I would recommend listening to it while you're reading this.

Warning: Contains some swearing and a character death. Maybe tissues would come in handy, if you so choose.

Veronica's POV

"That's all? That's've...GOT?!" the Golden Master snarls viciously.

Golden, tentacle-like appendages shoot out and grab the ninja, Sensei Garmadon, and Sensei Wu.

Let go of them, damn it!

"How cute," he chuckles. "You actually think you can escape?

The tentacles squeeze her friends more, making it difficult for them to take a breath. They struggle vainly against their grip, and she glances at each one of them, her amber gaze lingering on Zane.

"The stone armor! Why isn't it working?!" Cole shouts, also struggling against the powerful grip.

"Because. Your. Time. Is. OVER!"

"Let go, you freaking bastard!" Veronica spits. "Let. them. GO!"

The fiery brunette lets out a frustrated growl as the Golden Master lets out an evil laugh in response. She takes a deep breath, focusing on her target. Nya darts in front of her older sister, shaking her head.

"Please, don't tell me you're going to do what I think you're going to do," she whispers, tears threatening to spill out of the corners of her eyes. "It's too dangerous."

"Veronica, I would suggest you don't think about taking the Overlord down on your own," P.I.X.A.L. advises, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm not just gonna stand there and let them suffer the hell they're enduring now, P.I.X.A.L.," Veronica growls, brushing the female robot's hand off. "It's my destiny to defeat the Golden Master, even if it means..."

She trails off, and looks into her younger sister's sad gaze and her best friend's luminescent green eyes. Veronica dismisses the thought of possible death immediately.

"Now, I would suggest getting out of the way," the brunette continues, pulling down her mask and readying herself again.

The two other females nod, clearing a path for Veronica to take off and jump.

"I'm so sorry, my friends, this is my final destiny. Help me complete it," she murmurs, focusing on the Golden Master. "Zane, I love you. Forget me not."

Veronica leaps off the edge and bounces across the ninja, coming closer and closer to the Golden Master, her amber eyes burning determinedly. She takes one final leap off of Kai's head, and flies towards the giant figure, grabbing two of the golden prongs. An intense stream of power flows through her entire body, and beads of sweat form on her forehead from the strain, her heartrate increasing drastically.

" friends...GO!" Veronica screams between heavy breaths. "You...asshole!"

"Go where, ill-fated fire ninja?" the Golden Master sneers. "Your chances of survival are zero, yet you want to be the hero for your own personal gain? How selfish of you."

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