Questions and Answers (to some) ask some questions

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Q:So some people were wondering why I gave Ray so many powers?
A: I gave him these powers, because I feel that since he is a devil, a Angel, and a Draconian, he needs powers based on his race

Q:Why did I give him so many weapons?
A: I gave him so many weapons because I think a character who uses the same weapon over and over again gets a little boring after some time

Q: How old is Ray at this point?
A: Ray is one thousand and thirty eight years old

Q: Why do the Primordials only show up for a few minutes?
A: They only show up for a few minutes because if they were to stick around, the main character wouldn't have to deal with the enemies, thus he would never awaken his true power

Q: why did I give Ray so many girlfriends to begin with?
A: the reason for that is because...actually no at the moment I can't answer that, or it would ruin the surprise for season two for this series...oops I said too much

Anyway if you have more questions I will be more than happy to answer them, and please don't ask any questions about season two anyway I'll have another chapter posted next week until then Later

End Of Days: The Demon Dragon and The Devil PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now