Chapter Five: Destruction

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Four months after Paige moved in and things were going well. Today has apparently decided to fuck that up. We were out walking around the park just to get out of the house when a bounty hunter jumped out of nowhere. I shifted into my demon half and launched myself at him, the fight that followed was bloody and long. I couldn't hear anything but the blood rushing in my ears, and the sounds of our snarls. 

His claws tore through my shoulder as mine ripped across his ribs. Letting out a roar of pain and rage I charged at him, sinking my fangs into his neck. With a loud snap his body hit the blood stained grass. I still held his head in my hands, dropping it I turned to check on my Charge. She lay in a pool of her own blood clutching a wound on her stomach. My heart dropped. I knew that kind of wound, it was the same one my claws made. That means I had...

With a soft keening sound I set about healing her wound to the best of my ability. Angels are suppose to do the healing, not demons. All we can do is cause destruction. Finishing up I leaned back, letting out a low sigh. I had managed to stop the bleeding and sew up the wound. Her magic would do the rest. Cursing to myself, I picked the tiny woman up and ran for home. Bypassing her room I ran straight to mine. Laying her in my bed I pulled the cover around her. She looked so peaceful laying there, so still and innocent.  It made me feel unworthy.


Five agonizing days. That is how long my stubborn Charge lay unconscious. It's enough to drive a man mad. Yet in those five horribly long days I discovered feelings for her so intense they would not be contained. I resolved to tell her, kiss her when she woke up. On the morning of the sixth day Paige snapped awake with a scream, hands going to her stomach. I reached to lay a hand on her shoulder, murmuring soothing words. Only to have her flinch away and look at me like I was a monster. In a way I was. 

Her beautiful eyes were full of confusion and fear. The tiny girl had cringed away from me so much that she was now laying with her back pressed against the headboard as close as she could get it. I keened softly and tried to make myself look smaller, less like a threat. Then she muttered the words that shattered my long dead heart. 

"Stay away from me, Monster." 

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