Chapter 3

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Ally get up let's going shopping just me and you Rebekah asked.

Rebekah this is so fun thank you so much and I am so happy to be able to spend time with you again. I am loving your new outfits as well Ally talked and talked to Rebekah having nothing but fun. Well we might be needing to get back soon before your brothers get to worried about us Ally told Rebekah. Well you just might be right we both know how they can be.

On their way back Rebekah asked Ally who did she talk to on the phone last night and that she could hear her laughing all the way down the hall. Ally looked at Rebekah and said what did you hear? Rebekah replied well not much just you telling who ever to stop and I think you said I love you but I don't know. Oh yeah it is a really good friend and their the best Ally said with a smile knowing what could happen if they found out who was on the phone.

Look I am not going to believe this crap, this is not right this is impossible I can not die neither can my brothers and sister, Niklaus said with outrage. What is going on in here Klaus, Ally asked. The guy that Klaus was talking to ran up to Ally and said oh my no way you're the lycan the great and magnificent wonder. Well I am sorry but do I know you because all I have to say is if you do not back up the next words coming out of your mouth will be the sound of you choking on your own blood, Ally said all mad. Ally please met Lucien the guy that knows what is going to happened to us Elijah spoke. Oh well then I must take a seat and listen to what you have to say Ally said.

They all sat there listening to Lucien go on and on, then Ally stood up popped her back and knuckles then said well that is enough for one day lets all take a break, also I have a phone call to make. As Ally was walking to her room when she was stopped by Elijah saying I am going to take you somewhere later on tonight so wear something simple I will see you at 10:00.

Ally looks at Elijah and smiles and then walks to her room without saying anything.

I want to see you but you know not yet, I love you so much that I don't know what I will do without you please just give me time and I will come to LA to see you I promise. As Ally was on the phone Elijah was outside her room listening to their conversation.

A few hours later Ally was ready to go somewhere with Elijah. Loading up Elijah told Ally, I hope you still got it with a smile on his face.

Finally arriving Elijah told Ally to close her eyes and to trust him. She closed her eyes and followed him in. Once she was able to look to see where she was all she could do was smile and say round one. Ally was back at ring once again could she take down the Elijah once more well we will all have to wait and find out.

You still got it don't you the power that was given to you Elijah said. Well I did have a great teacher Ally said. Let get home it's getting late everyone will be wondering where we are if we stay out any later then what we have Elijah said.

Back at the house Ally was laying down as she wondered is she falling back in love with the man that gave her first kiss ,but she had already said yes to someone else.

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