Chapter 8

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Grayson, Ethan what are you doing here Ally said as she looked all puzzled. Well you have not called me back and i started to worry about you so we got packed and headed here Grayson said walking towards Ally. Grayson gave Ally a hug and kissed her and looked into her eyes and said i missed you and boy do i love you so much and right at the moment Ally knew she messed up but she knew she had to say it back because she was engaged to Grayson and she loved him. Guys meet Grayson and his twin brother Ethan. Me and Grayson are going to be getting married soon right after this stupid prophecy is over and we get back home to LA. Ally watched Elijah faces and seen the tear forming in his eyes and knew she had broke his heart. Elijah left the room and went upstairs to his room and laid on the bed thinking i thought she loved me, i thought she wanted me, i thought she was happy with me, why me why me. Meanwhile Ally took Grayson and Ethan to her room and and they started talking about what they have been up to and why she was not able to answer the phone or call him back. They all fell asleep and Ally dreamed a horrible dream.

She dreamed that Elijah and Niklaus was killing Gray and E and she could not do anything about it but watch. Once Ally was awake she went upstairs and headed to Elijah room but before she opened the door she heard him crying saying you can do this Elijah You can do this just put it in your heart and you will not have to deal with the pain in know that she never loved you. Ally ran through the door and told Elijah to stop. Elijah i love you okay but i also love Gray Elijah do you think what we did was a mistake because i don't that was the best thing that i could ever possibly Imagine. Elijah I will never stop loving you put down the dagger and come to me Ally told Elijah. Elijah threw down the dagger and ran into Ally's arms.

After everyone was up and down in the meeting room they all talked about how they needed another witch to help with a couple of spells. Well we could call Freya Finn said. Well we will call our older sis and see if she could come down and help Niklaus said.

A few hours later Freya showed up and Ally was able to meet her for the first time. They both got along very well and right away started to get work. Grayson and Ethan went around town look at the scenery to stay out of their way while they are working and everything. After telling Freya everything Ally seen it in her eyes that she would do anything to protect this family from any thing. Ally had so many question for her but she held off on a few because she did not want to overwhelm her with all of them. As Ally watched she seen that Freya was very powerful and every intelligent. Freya had short blond hair and had a very light voice but if she wanted to be heard she was let everyone know. She reminded Ally a lot of herself and maybe that is why they got along so well. After Freya and Ally were done with everything Rebekah came in and wanted to go on a little walk with Ally and just before they left they told the guys they were going to go on a walk and should not be out for long.

Ally why did you not tell us that you were getting married and everything Rebekah asked. Well i guess i was scared to maybe afraid to say anything because y'all might kill them Ally replied.

There was a loud bang coming from behind them and once they turn around they saw nothing. I wonder what that was Ally said and turned to where Rebekah was but she was not there. Ally yelled for her but no answer she started to walk still calling her name and then remembering pain going through her spine but just be for everything turning pitch black Ally saw the man's face and got out the words who are you?

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