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Baseball practice had long ago ended, but I was still in the dugout, alone with my AP Euro textbook. I had to get my grade back on track, because if Ms. J contacted my dad, I was royally screwed. 

My phone buzzed next to me on the wooden bench, and I jumped. 

Miles, where the hell are you? Practice ended hours ago. You're late.

I swallowed hard. I couldn't tell him I stayed here to study; he'd know something was up. I thought up a lie as fast as I could.

Coach needed me to help put the tarp on the field bc it's supposed to rain tmrw.

Why did it take so long? I need you to get home right now.

Hardly anyone else stayed to help. Be there soon.

I shoved my textbook into my backpack and stood up, making my way from the dugout to my Jeep, my pride and dad got it for me brand new for my 18th birthday, and I kept it spotless. I had to, or...

My phone buzzed again. "Damnit, Dad, I'm coming," I mumbled, but then I saw it wasn't from Dad.

It was Rachel Cross.


I can't believe I'm doing this, but I feel obligated. I am so sick of seeing him rip into poor Luke every damn day. And if Miles liked me, maybe I could have some influence on him...was that wrong of me? Maybe, and I wasn't even so sure why I cared so much about Luke. It's not like he ever thanked me for any of the times I've stood up for him. It was he like never even noticed, but I was just drawn to him. I wanted to improve his life, whether or not he thanked me.

Hey's Rachel Cross.

Well, hey there good lookin'

I cringed. This was going to be harder than I thought.

What's up?

Just about to leave from baseball practice

I raised an eyebrow.

Practice went until 8:30?

Nah, Coach Wilkins needed me to help put the tarp on the field... i was the one of the only ones who volunteered to help

Hmm... Miles doing something nice–even if it was for Coach Wilkins, who probably made him do it. I bit my lip as I formed my response.

Wow, that was nice of you. I'm sure Coach appreciated it.

Are you sure this is Rachel Cross?

LOL, what do you mean by that?

Come on... its no secret that u think im a douche

I laughed out loud.

Well...You said it, I didn't.

im really not that bad once you get to know me

"Tell that to Luke Salazar," I muttered to myself.

Actually, Miles, that's sort of why I texted you.

Just then my phone started ringing. Miles.

Shit...I don't want to do this over the phone, I thought. But it was too late...he knew I had my phone in my hand; I couldn't just ignore it.


"Hey, sorry, but I'm driving now. I have to get home before my dad has a coronary."

"Oh, okay..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say next. Why, oh, why was I so damn awkward?

"So, you were saying?" he asked.

"Huh?" I barked.

"You were about to tell me why you texted me..." he drawled, like he was talking to a little kid.

"Oh...right." I took a deep breath. "Miles, why are you so mean to Luke Salazar?" I asked, bracing myself for his response.

The line was quiet for a moment. "I...I don't know how to answer that, Rachel," he said, and he sounded almost ashamed.

"Well, I'd really like it if you tried," I said, my confidence returning.

He was quiet again, but then he said something I never would've expected.

"I guess I...I see myself in him...and I..." His voice cracked, but he recovered, clearing his throat. "Rachel, I have to go," he said.

"But wait...Miles, can we talk tomorrow?"

"Fine, but right now I have to go," he said urgently, breathlessly, and the line disconnected.

I sat in stunned silence just staring at my phone. When I got up to brush my teeth and get ready for bed, I was still beyond confused.

Had Miles Jefferson almost opened up to me? In the lifetime I've known him, that's the most vulnerable he's ever been.

And to be honest, it broke my bleeding heart.

And to be honest, it broke my bleeding heart

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Not the Only One (Book 1 in the Four of Us Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now