Seventy-Nine - August 11, 2018

755 73 151


After an afternoon at the mall, I pulled into Brooke's driveway and she and Luke hopped out. "Be at Captain Anderson's at 6, okay? Don't get 'carried away,'" I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

Luke slapped her butt and she squealed. "No promises!" he called as he chased her to the front porch.

I rolled my eyes and backed out of the driveway. Miles laughed, shaking his head. "They're disgusting," he said.

I snorted. "Please. That's how literally everyone else feels about you and me."

He considered this. "You're right."

"I know."


I wish dinner would have taken longer... because it's 8:30 pm and it's time for us to all go our separate ways.

Mom and Dad left, knowing I'd come home tonight, Adam and Jane hugged us all goodbye and said they'd see Luke and Miles at home, and Katherine kissed us all on the cheek and left with tears in her eyes.

It was just the four of us now... my best friends. My heart was full to bursting, but also felt like it could splinter into pieces at any moment. As happy as I was to go to college with Miles, part of me was so terribly sad to leave Brooke and Luke – especially Brooke. We'd been together since kindergarten. Somehow, we'd managed to be in the same class every year until 9th grade. And now, we were going to be two hours away from one another. It didn't seem right, but I knew it was all a part of growing up.

But saying goodbye to her was going to be a bitch.


I know Luke and Miles don't have to say goodbye yet because they live together, and they're ready to go home, but I just keep standing here staring at the ground.

I do not want to leave this parking lot. Because when I leave this parking lot, I'll be saying goodbye to my best friend.



"I love you... you know that, right?"

"Of course I do... I love you too," I said, pulling her into a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much, Rach," I said, tears escaping my eyes.

"God, me too. But look, I'll come visit, you can come visit... and we can FaceTime all the time!" she exclaimed.

"I know... but it won't be the same," I whined. I knew I was being a baby, but since my parents died, I can't stand saying goodbye.

"You're right, B. It won't be. But look, I'm leaving you in good hands," she whispered, gesturing to Luke.

"True," I said, my heart skipping a beat. "I owe you one for that one, too, Rachel. Thank you for making me give him a chance," I said, taking her hand.

She squeezed it tightly. "You're welcome."

We both sighed. It was time. I pulled her to me and hugged her tightly. "I'm gonna miss your fruit cups at lunch every day," I whispered, and she laughed.

"I'll always keep some on hand when you visit. I love you, B."

"I love you too, Rach," I said, and waved Luke over. I knew he had his own goodbye to say. I stepped over to the car so they could have their privacy.


"Rachel, I am going to try to not get all emotional here," I started, and she grinned. "But I don't know if I can say this without doing so... Thank you. I know I've said it before, but thank you."

"For what?" she asked.

I laughed, a tear falling onto my cheek. I brushed it away. "'For what?' Well, let's see: putting your nap mat next to mine when no one else wanted to, sitting with me at lunch even when I tried to push you away, choosing me for kickball in gym, being kind to me when no one else was, pushing me to be friends with Brooke, to give Miles a chance... Jesus, I could go on all damn day. You were the one to change my life, Rachel. And I could never repay you," I said, pulling her to me in a tight embrace.

"Oh Luke," she said against my chest. "That's what friends are for. Repayment is never necessary."


It's past midnight, and Luke and I have been playing the Xbox One since we got home from dinner. We just keep playing even though we're both exhausted.

We knew as soon as we stopped playing, it'd be time to go to bed... and time to say goodbye.

Finally, I put down the controller and looked at him. "Luke... I can hardly keep my eyes open... let's do this. Let's get it over with," I said decisively.

He exhaled and set his controller down. "Fine..."

"Can we just keep it simple?" 

He sighed in relief. "Yes, please."

"I know I've already said this, but I am so sorry for everything."

He smiled. "I know, bro. And I forgive you. I really do."

"Good... because I couldn't live with myself otherwise," I said, relief flooding through me. "And I also want to thank you for letting me into your family, even after everything."

"Dude. It's no problem. Being your brother is pretty cool." He laid a hand on my shoulder. "Take care of Rachel, okay?"

"I wouldn't dream of anything less. She means the world to me, you know," I said, my heart tightening at the mention of her.

"I know," he said simply. "At the risk of sounding cheesy... you showed your heart the day you let her in." 


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