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Easter Sunday had been uneventful. My grandma and grandpa came over, and I had to pretend, once again, that everything was hunky dory with my dad and me. It was exhausting.

I loved Grammy and Pops, but I was glad to see them go. They had no idea what kind of horrible person their son-in-law had turned out to be. They saw how successful he was, and that's it. 

Dad was taking a shower, and I had retreated to my room to call Rachel.

The phone rang twice, and she answered cheerily.

"Happy Easter, babe!" 

"Happy Easter. How was your day?"

"Oh, it was glorious." 

"Sorry, honey...but look: tomorrow is the first day of spring break! What do you have planned for us?" 

"Well, considering we live in the Spring Break Capital of the World..."

She laughed. "Oh, so we're going to go to Club La Vela?"

"Oh Jesus...hell no," I scoffed. "You wouldn't catch me dead in that place!"

"Me either."

"I do have an idea though."

"What is it?"

"My dad is going out of town again on Wednesday night. Let's have Luke and Brooke over to my house for dinner and swimming."

She squealed. "Yes! That sounds like so much fun!"

"Do you mind texting and asking them?"

"I'll text Brooke—you text Luke," she said slyly.

"What? No, no...I don't have his num—" Just then my phone vibrated against my ear. I took it down and rolled my eyes.

It was Luke's number.

"Fine, but he won't believe me."

"Try it."


"Let me know what he says," she said, made a kissing sound into the phone, and hung up before I could protest further.

"Damnit," I muttered as I typed out a text to Luke.

Hey's Miles.

Uhhh, hey

I know, I know, this is weird as hell for me too...but listen, I want to invite you and Brooke to my house Wednesday night to swim with me and Rachel.

Those infamous three dots popped up, and I was sure he was telling me to kiss his ass. One word finally appeared.


Yes, seriously. I'm not fucking with you, dude. I'm done with that bullshit.

Well,'s a yes from me. Gotta check with Brooke though.

Rachel is texting her. See you Wednesday.

Okay, see you then.

Well, that wasn't so bad. I pulled up my thread with Rachel and let her know he accepted.

This should be fun.


"Miles, where's your wallet? The pizza guy just pulled up!" Rachel yelled from the foyer.

Not the Only One (Book 1 in the Four of Us Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now