Seventy-Two - May 26, 2018

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"Damnit, I don't know why I let you talk me into this," I grumbled from the backseat.

Adam was driving and Luke turned around to look at me. "What did you say?"

"I said I don't know why I let you talk me into this!" I said louder.

Adam sighed. "Me either, to be honest."

Luke looked between us in frustration. "Okay, guys. We can't just let him sit in there without facing us! I mean, come on! Look what he did to my mom – to you – to Rachel – and me?" Luke said, and I felt my annoyance at him fade away.

I sighed in defeat. "You're right."

"I know," he said, grinning.

By the time we arrived at Bay County Jail, my heart was racing. This would be the first time I'd seen my dad since he hit Rachel. It was going to take everything in me to not completely lose it on him.

Let's just say the bastard better be behind glass.


He wasn't. After checking in and going through security, we walked into a large, open space with about twenty round tables and chairs. There he was, sitting at a table in the back, his hands and ankles handcuffed. He was looking at the ground with his head down. A big, burly guard stood over him.

Adam put his hand on my shoulder when we saw him. "You okay, son?" he whispered.

I glanced back at him gratefully. "Yeah. I'm good. Let's do this," I said, and the three of us walked over to him, my teeth clenched together. I could almost feel the anger radiating off of Luke.

Dad looked up at us when we approached, and I'd never seen him look so tired, so beaten down... hopeless. His once bright blue eyes were dull, lifeless. He looked like he was dead inside.

It made my heart soar.

"Well, well, to what do I owe this honor?" he asked, his voice as spiteful and cruel as ever. "My brother, my son, and my nephew. Just the three people I wanted to see."

I opened my mouth to respond, but Luke scoffed. "Come on, Daddy Dearest," he spat. "You really think we haven't figured it out at this point?"

Disbelief crossed his face for a moment, but was gone just as it appeared. "Ahh, Lucas. Adam finally told you... he finally cracked."

Adam started to speak but I took a step forward. "No, Dad. Luke figured out you and Adam were brothers... the rest just sort of fell into place. And you probably shouldn't talk about our dysfunctional family history at high school baseball games. You never know who might overhear you."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Well, you can believe what you want to, but that was consensual sex. She wanted it," he said, glaring at Adam.

I was appalled, even after everything, that he would talk about this in front of Luke. I felt him tense next to me and I put my hand on his back to steady him.

Adam shook his head. "William, you're such a pathetic, disgusting excuse for a human. Yes, Jane was drunk. We all know that – she stayed drunk for years after that because of you. But she did not want you to rape her, William. If your deluded brain really believes that, you're even sicker than I thought you were. And you're going to pay."

Dad grinned, a terrifying flash of his perfect white veneers. "I'm not in here for that, anyway. I'm in here for killing that idiotic boy that crossed the street without looking both ways."

Not the Only One (Book 1 in the Four of Us Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now