Seventy-One - May 25, 2018

616 74 127


"I can't believe we all convinced our parental units to let us stay at Miles' house tonight," I muttered to Brooke, shaking my head as we walked out of Olive Garden, where we'd all eaten together as one enormous group.

She glanced at me. "I know, right? Let's keep walking and not ask any questions," she said through gritted teeth.

Miles sidled up next to us, holding Rachel's hand. "Y'all ready to party?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Rachel shoved him playfully. "Seriously? After what happened last time?"

"Well, you can take it slow, Vomitron," he teased, and she rolled her eyes.

We had reached the parking lot and were telling our families goodbye when Dad pulled me aside.

"Lucas, are you going to see William in jail tomorrow?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

I cut my eyes at Miles, who was standing nearby looking awfully guilty. "How did you know?"

Miles spoke up. "I told him. I thought he should know, bro."

I sighed. "Fine. Yes. I want to go rub his nose in it," I admitted.

Dad echoed my sigh. "I understand wanting to do that, son, it's only natural. But you need to be careful with him."

"He's behind bars, Dad. What's he going to do?"

"Luke, don't forget; he has money and power. I'm still not convinced he's going to do any time. His lawyer is already trying to argue that the statute of limitations has passed on your mother's rape," he said, his voice falling on the last word.

"Excuse me?" Miles interrupted. "Are you serious?"

Dad nodded. "So, I just want you to be careful. In fact, I want to go with you."

Miles and I glanced at each other.

"I insist on it," he said firmly.

"All right then," I agreed, and Dad gave both me and Miles a hug. "Be safe tonight, boys," he said pointedly.

"Dad!" I exclaimed, and he winked.


Rachel and I climbed in the backseat of the Jeep, laughing about literally nothing. Luke and Miles looked pretty serious about something or other, but we were just so thrilled to be done with school, we couldn't contain ourselves.

"What are we going to do tonight, boys?" I asked, leaning up across the console in the middle of them.

"Well, I figured we could swim, maybe drink a little, then split up for some, er – private time," Miles said, looking in the rearview at Rachel, whose face heated up.

I grinned. "Private time sounds good to me. What about you, Salazar?"

Luke was gazing out into the darkness, not listening to us at all. "Luke?" Rachel asked, leaning forward. "You okay, buddy?"

He glanced at us then shook his head as if clearing it. "Yeah. Yeah, sorry. I'm fine. I was just thinking about what it will be like to see William tomorrow."

Miles grunted. "Don't let him ruin your night. Forget him for now, okay?"

"Miles is right, Luke. He doesn't deserve a place in your mind tonight," I said, squeezing his shoulder.

I felt Luke's shoulders relax. "All right, all right. Let's go have some fun," he relented, and Miles cranked up the radio.


"Bring the alcohol!" Miles shouted from the pool.

I grabbed the rum, bottle of Coke, and the Fireball I'd found in the back of the liquor cabinet and followed Brooke out onto the pool deck.

"Give me that Fireball, Salazar," Rachel said, sticking out her hand.

Miles laughed. "Better be careful with that, babe. That shit's no joke; it doesn't even taste like alcohol."

"Soooo? That's good, right?" Rachel asked innocently.

Brooke scoffed. "No. That's bad! If it doesn't taste like alcohol..."

"... you'll keep drinking it," Miles finished, pouring us all a shot and passing them out.

"Ohhh," she said, recognition crossing her face.

I shook my head and raised my shot. "A toast – to the end of our high school careers!"

We clinked glasses and threw back the shots.


I woke up in Miles' bed with his arm draped across my bare stomach. I blinked hard and stared at the ceiling. "Jesus," I murmured. "What did we do last night?"

Miles groaned, his face in his pillow. "Don't. Talk. Voice too loud," he mumbled.

I sat up and his arm fell to the mattress. "How much Fireball did I have?"

"Too much," he grumbled into his pillow. "I lost count at seven."

"SEVEN?" I exclaimed.

He rolled over and put his finger to my lips. "Shhhhhhh!"

I looked down. "What am I wearing?" I had on a sports bra I didn't recognize and a pair of Miles' basketball shorts.

"You changed out of your bathing suit and didn't have any clothes. I think that's Brooke's bra."

"God. I didn't take my clothes off in front of Luke, did I?" I asked, horrified.

He chortled. "Hell no! Even with all the rum I drank, I wouldn't have let that happen! I brought you upstairs and got you undressed, then we both passed out."

I rubbed my temples. "I'm never drinking again."

"Sounds like a plan," he said, standing up and pulling his sweatpants on. "What time is it?"

I checked my phone. "10:43 am."

"Ugh, Luke and I better get ready to go see Dad in jail." He laughed shortly. "I never thought I'd be saying those words.'

"You want me and Brooke to come?"

"No, you guys stay here and swim or something. We'll come right home and tell y'all all about it."

"Okay, babe, if you're sure."

"I am." He leaned over and kissed me. "I'm going to go get Luke... I love you," he said as he walked out the door.

"Love you more," I called after him.

"No way in hell!" he called back from the hallway.

I grinned, bouncing back onto the bed.

I grinned, bouncing back onto the bed

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