Humiliation Thanks to a Cutting Horse

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It didn't take Louis long to discover Harry was sagacious. Sometimes he appeared to be a bit on the dull side, but Louis was wondering if that wasn't just an act. Self- preservation, maybe? The longer they talked, the more convinced Louis was of the fact that Harry was a lot sharper than he let on.

Louis found him fascinating, insightful, and engrossing to talk to, and therefore wasn't in any hurry to get back inside to the barn dance.

Didn't innocent packages sometimes come with big secrets?

Louis dared not let himself examine that notion too closely. So they sauntered around slowly, neither one even mentioning the barn dance that they'd abandoned.

Harry noticed that Louis' expression was no longer shuttered. He was far more open, more animated, and his sulky manner had disappeared. This was the second time Harry had taken note that Louis was evolving into something different right in front of him. He was suspecting now that Louis required that people earn his trust. He was so much more of a skeptic than Harry was, but Harry supposed that came with all the responsibilities Louis carried on his young shoulders; running a decent sized ranch not the least of it. He couldn't afford to be sloppy or overly trusting.

Harry felt disproportionately honored that Louis was spending all this time talking to him. Time he could be spending with those women in there, but instead seemed to prefer Harry's company. Harry tried not to leer, but Louis was just so hot. Oh Lord, those vibrant blue eyes were slowly killing him.

Harry also kept busy staring at Louis' chiseled features on the sly. His strong jaw. And those cheekbones ... being hired at the Rocking Horse Ranch had been such a blessing, but Louis was rapidly becoming a thorn in his side. A pleasant thorn, but a thorn just the same. Boss or not, Harry couldn't deny how entranced he was. And that wasn't convenient when you were trying to concentrate on your job.

Harry learned a lot about Louis that night, as Louis did likewise with him. Starting out cautiously, they both relaxed the grip they had on themselves slowly and carefully, their mutual admiration barely kept in check.

God, Harry's voice ought to be bottled, thought Louis. The man talked slowly, softly, the timbre being so low and seductive, how a lion's purr might sound. And his eyes were evergreen, mind numbing, dazzling. The kid was nice—really nice. Really good people. If it had been an act, the truth would have been unearthed by now. Harry was a rare sort, indeed.

As they worked on enlightening conversation, the subtle lights placed around the barn displayed how luminous Harry's face was. He looked make-believe to Louis' eyes. They walked back into the shadows, an unspoken pact between them, understanding each other's need for seclusion and solitude.

"So... what do you like?" Louis asked softly, telling himself mentally that he was only asking to gain knowledge of his new employee.

"Like?" asked Harry, bemused.

"Hobbies, food preferences, things like that, yeah?"

"I like bananas, like, a lot."

At first Louis thought he must be making a joke, but then, Louis realized his own dirty mind was corrupting Harry's innocent words. Better tread carefully.

"Bananas?" Hopefully Harry would explain.

"Yeah, I've always liked them. I could eat them daily, given the chance," Harry didn't laugh or even smile, so Louis figured he could assume the guy was being serious.

"We'll have to let Cookie know about that," he said. "He likes caterin' to the guys' different tastes."

"Oh, it's not that I can't live without them," was Harry's answer.

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