Erotic Exploration

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"How many more times are you gonna to make me come tonight?" Harry asked later, as they lay on their backs, side by side, sweating and panting.

"Oh, at least three more. Once or twice is never enough."

Louis was considerate enough to give Harry ten minutes before he started again. He knew what he wanted. He wanted Harry's cock almost choking him as Harry thrust deeply into his mouth. He wanted it without anything held back—he wanted it raw and feral. He knew Harry would want it just as much. He always did. Underneath all that apparent innocence, Harry had a hidden, insanely wild side. Louis had seen it a little bit at a time, here and there, shaping into something that happened more and more often. What he keenly desired though, was for Harry to cut loose completely. He trusted Harry with it. He knew there was more that was possible between them. And he wanted to do it all. The thing was, he also had to be sure Harry trusted him enough. He was ninety-nine percent sure, but nudging Harry over the line to thoroughly unbridled passion – well, he had to be sure it wouldn't trip Harry out.

Licking into Harry's slit, the tang of his pre-come on his tongue, Louis realized that even though they'd sucked each other a few times already tonight, that pre-come was the proof that he was breaking through the barrier. It told him all he needed to know. It told him Harry was still horny as hell when Louis approached him sexually. You didn't still leak pre-come after climaxing a few times unless you were really into it.

Earlier, there had been a deafening clap of thunder directly after lightning had lit up the cabin as if it were daylight, and Harry had grabbed the binoculars. He was worried, Louis knew, that the horses could have been struck by the lightning. It was completely dark out there now, and of course he couldn't see a thing. Regardless, Harry had thrown on his jeans that were crumpled in a heap on the floor, and had scampered out the door before Louis had a chance to even ask him what he thought he was doing in the pitch dark, in the middle of a storm.

Damn! Always chasing after Harry!

Of course Louis threw on his own jeans and followed. When Louis caught up with him, Harry looked just about stricken, his expression desperate as he swung around to face Louis.

"The horses! Joaquin and Saber! Mystic Thunder and the others!"

"Harry, chances are they didn't get hit. It does happen—I won't say it doesn't, but it's rare. I'm sure they're fine."

Harry buried his face in Louis' shoulder. "I'm worried." Louis smoothed his hand over Harry's hair, threading his fingers into the thick waves, closing his eyes to enjoy the silkiness.

"I know. But there's nothin' we can do. You'll see in the mornin' that they're fine. I know Joaquin and Saber are under rock ledges or sommat, and the mustangs deal with this on a regular basis. Come on, it's too dark to see anythin' anyway. Let's go back inside."

The rain was beginning to come down harder, and Louis encouraged Harry back into the cabin, nudging him along.

Harry apparently had realized Louis was right, and there was nothing they could do, so, once inside, he had surrendered and let Louis hold him close. It had taken a while for Harry to settle, but Louis watched his face in the weakly flickering firelight, and he saw the precise moment it dawned on the younger man that they might as well enjoy each other instead of stumbling around blindly in the dark out there when it would do no good anyway.

The affection was sweet and undemanding. Louis resolved himself to letting Harry decide if and when they would take it further. It became clear that Harry's ardor hadn't diminished when he resumed his incessant, coquettish flirting. They hadn't done anything sexual yet, aside from earlier, and Louis made certain he didn't bulldoze Harry by being dominating. Most of the time, Harry seemed to require a certain amount of affection before they got into the sex part.

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