Apache Mountains

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Louis didn't waste any time, and started making plans to go to the Apache Mountains the very next day. He talked to Johnny, and decided he'd go mid-October, in two weeks. Johnny was fine with that, encouraging Louis, just as he always had. The boy worked too hard and there was too much pressure and strain on him. He needed some time away from everyone.

Louis knew he needed time to think this thing with Harry over, convince himself that he could never be alone with Harry again. It would be borrowing trouble, as he'd already found out the hard way that he apparently couldn't keep his hands off the lad. He had to learn to govern himself. How could he ever concentrate, and do his job with Harry always on his mind and in his field of vision?

"Gonna do some thinkin' up there?" Johnny asked Louis.

Louis gave him a strange look. "Well, yeah. I always do."

Johnny continued to give him serious sidelong looks. "You've been restless lately," he stated.

"When am I not restless, Johnny?"

Johnny adjusted his hat, careful, as always, not to let the balding spots show on his head. Louis had seldom seen Johnny without his hat in all these years.

"Oh, yer always active, but I meant . . . a different kind of restless."

Louis didn't know how to respond to that statement. It gave him the chills. "Wantin' to get out of here restless? Yeah, I reckon it's a little stronger this year," he conceded.

"Anythin' in particular?" Now Louis was getting suspicious that Johnny was suspicious. About himself. And . . . Harry? God, he hoped not, even though his pragmatic mind told him it was totally possible. When he thought back of all Johnny had witnessed. . . the time Louis had thrown the drunken sod away from Harry at the barn dance, the time they'd both ended up at the creek that Louis had always wondered if Johnny might have somehow known about, their time in the line shack, and then the trail ride yesterday, ending up with Harry riding in like the devil was on his tail. Now if that didn't look suspicious . . . All the times Louis actively avoided being anywhere near Harry. He'd sidestepped Harry neatly and precisely at breakfast most mornings.

Yeah, Johnny was astute, and if Louis had been in his right mind, he would have been more careful. It was just that Harry had such an effect on him that it was getting harder and harder to be discreet about his feelings for the curly haired lad. To the point to where he was approaching recklessness. Yep, this was the perfect time to get away.

The thought of leaving Harry for two weeks though . . . Louis sternly told his mind to shut up and shut down about it. He'd always looked forward to going to the Apache Mountains. Now he was ambivalent about it. He wanted to go because he needed to go. Needed the time off, and needed to do some soul searching. But the thought of being away from Harry for so long sickened him from within.

Harry had known it was coming too, because Johnny had told him this was the time of year Louis always went. But he had forced his mind to shift to other things because he didn't know how he'd manage without Louis--mentally. He and the others were more than capable of minding the ranch while its owner was gone. It was the slow season too, so there was nothing much to do except feed, water and check the livestock, muck stalls and play cards. If Louis stayed at home, he'd be around more, have a lot of idle time, and that could spell trouble. Then again, Louis would probably spend a lot of time in the main house, Harry reflected, and he wouldn't see him much. And that would be nearly as painful as the boss being gone.

All the bookwork, for the time being, was up to date. All the breedings, foalings, calvings and sale prices were precisely recorded.


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