A Glimmer of Hope

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Harry idly reflected on what had happened at the Rocking Horse Ranch this morning.

Joaquin. Who would think to give a horse a name like that? Harry believed it was an old hippie name, bohemian. And somehow it seemed perfectly fitting that Louis Tomlinson would choose it as a name for his horse. Yes, surely unique. Harry would bet a fifty dollar bill that Louis wouldn't ever be caught dead naming a horse Spot, or Brownie or anything conventional or ordinary.

Harry had recovered from his self- pity, and now was committed to staying optimistic. This Mr. Tomlinson though, was an enigma, if there ever was one. He was a whole lot more than Harry had bargained for. He'd felt vulnerable, unarmed in the man's presence. He could also swear the man had seen his erect nipples through his shirt. Those penetrating blue eyes didn't leave much unnoticed.

Louis was not your typical cowboy. Much too bright, alert, and chillingly observant. Not that the others were stupid, but Louis wasn't kick back like them. He was constantly vigilant. He seemed to be educated too. His speech was evident of that. He also seemed to always be a step ahead of what Harry was thinking. Harry had the feeling he knew everything he felt and thought. Impossible though. No one could do that.

What really upset Harry was his fear that Louis might have sensed the sexual excitement he hadn't been very good at hiding when near the man. Damn nipples. Ambiguously he hated himself for being attracted to him, yet the delicious sensations Louis had awakened were undeniable.

He would have to resist his yearnings, but that didn't mean he had to resist the tingles of arousal Louis elicited, did he?

Just enjoy the view, and don't let it interfere with the game plan to get the job. Most of all, don't ever let him see how he affects you.

Problem was, there was no game plan, except to show up every morning.


The next day, Harry arrived at the ranch at five-thirty. When Louis appeared, he took one look at Harry and growled deeply in his throat. Was the lad deliberately trying to wear him down? Sooner or later, Louis knew he'd lose his cool and blow up, and he didn't want that to happen. He reined in his temper, determined that the baby faced, dimpled wonder would not wiggle in, past his defenses.

Louis was, in reality, a rare breed of man that was actually quite sensitive, though he seldom showed it. He didn't want anyone to think he was weak. Truth was, he actually felt a little sorry for the charming Brit who was so tenacious in his effort to find a job.

Louis had been so overworked lately that he hadn't even had time or the motivation to go into town to relax, have a beer. So he was extra irritable as of late. Everyone suffered for it, too. Everyone from the housekeeper, to the cook, to the ranch hands.

He'd been horny, alright, when he'd gone into town in the recent past, but none of the women who approached him (and there were a fair amount) did a thing for him. He wasn't a one-night-stand kind of guy. Casual sex just didn't cut it. Even taking that into consideration, he found himself less and less interested. And he wasn't ready to allow any other reasons for his disinterest to surface. That was precarious territory.

His considerable sex drive had been deprived for much too long, and everyone knew that a man who wasn't getting laid was apt to be onery. That, along with the work load . . . Louis feared he might take it out on Harry, who had been polite almost to a fault. But the lad was so damn tireless in his quest to wear Louis down to the point to where Louis just gave in and gave him a job. Louis was pretty certain that was Harry's intention.

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