///January 1st, 2223\\\

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 New year, new threat. AINCRAD; Anime Insurgency for a New Cringe Reign of All Dimensions. I was in my ship heading toward the ACC HQ for a meeting. I left my territory into the 1% of the universe unclaimed. The other 4% of the universe not claimed by the ACC countries were heavily militarized and loosely united as a precaution against us. The UUCG, or Universal Union of Cosmic Governments, had gone to war with Reignstotzka a few times when a warlord invaded their land. Reignstotzka had managed to lose 6 of the 11 wars from an event like this. I landed at the hangar of the large black tower in space. The door spun open as it docked and I jumped out. I walked to the elevator and listened to cheesy, shitty elevator music as it rose to the conference room. Ryan sat at one head of the table. He looked the same as he did 200 years ago. Sam looked like he was getting into his 50s. The rest looked the same except for Reign. Reign looked like he was in his late 60s or mid 70s. He had scars and was missing an eye, covered by an eyepatch. He looked somewhat intimidating now; despite still being an incompetent idiot. I sat at the other head of the table. I was bringing in Ninja Z to talk and give information. We talked about AINCRAD. The RSA had been attacked a few times, in fact the gold house was being rebuilt in a part due to it being attacked. They had captured a Kirito. The real one was still out there, cloning himself. I began introducing Ninja Z, but as I was in the middle of it a boom threw us all to the ground. Light exploded through the door. Darkness engulfed more. I ran out. There was a gap in the wall into space. The Shadow Gladiator rushed through space towards Ninja Z. He spun the Photokatana and released a volley of golden, solid light that exploded on impact throwing Shadow Gladiator back. I paralyzed them both and dragged them back in.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I shouted at them. Shadow Gladiator's expression was masked by the black mask.

"He is evil, a servant of The Great Dark, his weapon is made for evil." Ninja Z said.

"Don't know what that means, don't give a fuck either," I said, "get over yourself, you fight the same enemy now."

"Yessir," Ninja Z said. Gladiator nodded slightly once as I reversed the paralysis. Ninja Z did his debriefing whilst I called some workers to fix the damn building.

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