///February 8th, 2224\\\

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 I stood at the podium outside Doge Castle. Earlier today Brickfox had won 1% of the universe from Reignstotzka and had set up infrastructure announcing their statehood today. The Cosmico Brix Confederazione, I was to be the first to recognize it's status as an independent nation state.

"I have gathered you all here today to announce the SCM's recognition of the sovereign state of the Cosmico Brix Confederazione," I said. Cameras flashed and the familiar flood of questions came. I ignored them and walked inside. I stared out my office window at the rift in the sky. Joule was working in the Institute. Oath and Green Wraith were awaiting combat orders and Lighttower was training some troops. We'd had a few skirmishes here and there with The Council. The war was almost over.

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