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In the seemingly empty halls of the Germa Kingdom, maids constantly ran back and forth answering the calls and requests of their higher ups. Yonji, the fourth prince, laid down on his oversized bed listening to the noises. His eyes showed he was awake, his motivation was quite the opposite. He woke up later then the other princes and the princess. It didn't concern him though as he puts it: "Why kill a whole country when your tired?"

If he's not on a mission his daily routine was followed. He'd be woken up by one of the maids or Niji, eat breakfast, go back to sleep until lunch, a combination of training and tormenting the workers, drinking with his brothers and father not to mention plenty of women, then usually to sleep again unless something else caught his eye first.

He stood up to walk to and open his bedroom door. Behind it immediately was Niji, about to kick down his door.

"You know i would let you sleep through meals if I could." Niji spoke in his typical snarky and deep words.

"Yeah yeah." Yonji didn't bother caring, he's heard it all too well before. "Has our darling brother come to join us yet? Can't be late for his own wedding." Yonji sneered at his own words.

"No word from our darling brother." Niji spoke mockingly as his younger brother just did. "Though we're all certain he's bound to be homesick."

The two men were discussing their brother, the third one. Sanji wasn't a part of them, he was a pirate with an actual metaphoric heart.

"I wonder what's for lunch." They both agreed and walked off.

Later in the day Yonji was assigned a mission, it wasn't a big one so he was allowed to go solo. On the boat leading to his mission, he grinned remembering the contents of it. Nothing major, nothing difficult, it was in fact child's play. The workers were in fact, running low on staff because of events and he went to retrieve a few. Specifically, more eye candy. His brothers, not to forget the man himself, loved nice looking women to toy around with, regardless if they were personal maids or actually had more of a purpose such as a cook.

The island chosen was a close one near where the Germa kingdom was at that time, not too absolute far from Big Mom's territory. The island was known to be inhabited, making it a viable candidate. There was something else about it too. It was an island the Germa Kingdom has worked for in the past, for a small paid mission to get rid of their threats. They were quite wealthy. They'd be the sort of island that would give a daughter or two to their so called saviours.

Once docked at the island he paid no heed to the calls of his men, simply hopping off the boat. The threat was minimal to none, though he decided it be best to still wear the raid suit. This way no one would question his authoritative position, not as if the swirling eyebrows weren't a dead giveaway in itself. Less hassle the less people have to die and quicker this mission will be.

He arrived at this island later in the day, between lunch and dinner, much to his liking. The people were all dressed up though, encircling the large palace. Everyone wore masks in their fancy suits and dresses. It wasn't hard to conclude there was a masquerade ball that night. Many had likely ate a large lunch, seeing as it was starting in earlier hours then normal. As much as Yonji thought disrupting the ball would be entertaining, he decided to in fact wonder the streets for stragglers as even he knew beauties weren't born just from the rich, but also the poor. There were many reasons to aim for the lower class girls. One was that many would gladly give themselves for money, regardless of who or why. Another prominent reason was they knew how to work unlike the higher tiered. The last was likely that if one or two went missing, if they didn't comply that is, none would be the wiser or more so not as concerned. Not everyone would be willing to give themselves, or another, to the people who saved them from ruins. It might ruin the prince's fun if they didn't put up a fight.

He roamed the streets, noisy shoes and all that sounded with each step. His eyes gazed around, to each shop and alleyway. Other eyes gazed upon the prince as some recognised his appearance yet, none dared to speak up.

Yonji's attention soon locked sight at a specific alleyway that a young girl, not much younger or perhaps the same age as himself. She sat rummaging through a pile of freshly washed pebbles, staring intently at each one then tossing them aside, quite literally in fact. Her clothes were covered in filth and toes barren to the rocky pathway underneath. Her head shifted sharply, noticing the man as not a prince at first, though soon her eyes widened in realisation and perhaps fear. She grabbed a stone that was set aside and ran towards Yonji as he stared in confusion. She held her hand out, stone in hand, presenting it to him. He picked it up, even more confused then anything especially when she ran off.

Yonji tossed to stone up and down not really concerned on where the girl went. After all, once he's fulfilled with his mission, he can easily track the girl down.

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