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The two walked, somewhat together. The two were a few steps apart, they looked as if they were strangers to each other and so happen to have walked the same path. Yonji stopped though, in front of a shop, at the snap of his fingers one of the clone soldiers appeared out of seemingly nowhere in the shadows.

"Buy the girl a pair of clothes, would yah? Anything works at this point." He motioned to the girl in dirty clothes.

The clone saluted and went into the store, which was a clothing store to no surprise. He came out with a simple outfit of a long brown dress with sleeves as well. Along with it were a pair of black tights, even a pair of brown shoes similar to the look of a dolls. He had a good eye seeing as they seemed they would all fit.

"Good enough for now." He motioned for the two to follow him and his noisy shoes.

When they got to the ship the many clones cheered at the prince's return. The girl was immediately ushered to clean in the washroom. She settled with the clothes given, and her old ones were discarded, including the underwear. She walked around with none, though honestly the feeling of being clean was much nicer to the point it hardly mattered. Her only other possessions were the cloth that acted as a makeshift bag, stones, and a small box with things she wouldn't just say for no reason. She owned a nice pair of clothes now as well, a definite step up from before.

She stepped out, instantly looking for Yonji, as the person was the only one known by her. She opened the door and didn't have to look far to see the prince spinning the rock from earlier on the floor.

He instantly sensed her and froze in shock for he found her more attractive then before, all nice and cleaned up.


"Shut it..." She grumbled at his words, not wanting to hear them. "You haven't done anything with the stone?"

"Like tossing it out?"

"No..." She answered again, quite shocked and confused that he didn't know what it was. "Do you have a chisel and a hammer?"

"Ah. How should I know?" Yonji questioned though no later did he actually go and ask for a chisel and a hammer. Surprisingly they had both though he seemed confident they'd have a hammer.

She took the chisel and hammer, rock included, and aligned the tools while the prince held the stone. She lightly hammered the chisel around a line on the rock until it split into revealing a beautiful crystal on the inside of the stone, a geode.

Yonji picked it up and was honestly surprised about it.

"Crystals hiding inside of a boring rock. Seems kind of familiar." He slyly mentioned while staring at the girl, hinted she was a beauty hidden underneath a pile of dirt.

She glared at Yonji, quite tired of dealing with the man already

"You'll be my personal maid."

"Refuse." She bluntly stated as she scooted backwards, getting further from the boy as he lunged forward and grabbed her wrist from above, tightly and painfully.

"I, refuse." Yonji grinned deviously, his words were absolute. "Now behave and give me a name." His grip only grew tighter.

She struggled slightly until his menacing look grew more dangerous.

"(Y/N)." (1)You said with a scoff, staring at the green haired man with utter disgust. He seemed to only enjoy the slight struggle as his grin grew.

"So you're accepting?"

"You'll kill me if I don't." You answered with a slight hiss.

"Good. Our personal maids-" he leans in closer with a whisper." We're allowed to do anything we want to them. Seems your just my type."

(1)-Yes I know I changed to you then, since it's 100% revealed as you, not that it wasn't obvious. It will stay like that, I detest writing she and her a million times because of no name or characteristics to describe.

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