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The rest of the day continued as you followed some of the maids of the castle that quickly informed you about important information to know until they could talk more at the dark hours of night. Now you were being whisked away to get an outfit tailored to fit, complete with the fear of being poked with one of the pins. The other new maids were in the same room, getting outfits tailored to them as everyone seemed nervous in the room.

     The day continued and you thought your eyes wouldn't have to land on any of the princes again until the next, though as a certain green haired one popped his head through the door, that dream failed to exist in reality.

     "Oh. There's the mouse. Thought you could scurry away?"

Everyone in the room, paused. They straightened up, to seem presentable, as the new ones shook with nervousness engulfing them.

"What do you want spinach for brains?" You asked with the plenty of time to gain back that little bit of fiery spirit from before.

Yonji, from the looks of it, seemed pleased with your returned attitude while everyone else in the room froze from fear with the words. No one spoke a word as they feared for your safety for saying such a thing though, they had no reason to as The prince grinned a grin of excitement, absolutely loving the attitude.

"Ooh hu hu. She's returned I see. You two." The prince spoke, pointing two fingers at the ones tailoring you an outfit. "Make her a different one. I'm bored with the other outfits. Anything works." He demanded with an attitude that said 'anything works' wasn't the full truth.

"Yes sir, anything you wish." The two scurried off in a hurry to find better, more suited fabrics to you.

     He walked off, telling specifically you to wake him up in the morning, nothing more and nothing left as he made his exit.

    It took a minute for the servants to process what happened.

     "How could you speak to the prince that way? Are you asking for a death wish newcomer?" One of the servants that soon came back with the fabric asked for your own safety.

     "I only came here to get off the streets, you hear?" You spoke, not at all concerned with the attitude you used with Yonji. "I'm not here to listen to their every words without a fight. Besides, he's obviously enjoying it. I can act myself and not get killed, what's wrong with that?"

They argued no more as they designed and tailored an outfit just for you per prince Yonji's request.

      For some reason, you hesitated, standing there in front of the fourth prince's bedroom door. Anyone likely would, unless to the point where they were comfortable around the man. For a long few seconds, you took a needed deep breathe of air to gain confidence to knock on the door. The knock, you gave it unconsciously though otherwise you weren't sure if you would have. A knock again, and therefor another knock with no sign of the prince being awake. Now nervousness was perhaps at it's greatest peak, were you to open the door or try effortlessly with knocking continuously. Much to your dismay, you took chances with opening the door.

    In the room, it was as expected, Yonji lay asleep on his bed, snoring away. You sighed, having to walk closer and next to his bedside. You're not sure what to do at this point or simply how to wake the sleeping prince and it by all means was not going to be a kiss. You reached your hand out, not thinking clearly to even try addressing him by name for him to wake or anything of the sort.

     Suddenly the prince shifted and tightly grabbed your wrist.

      "What a sight to see in the morning." He grinned a grin of devious thoughts for sure as he peaked at your tailored outfit from yesterday. It was similar to the other outfits the maids wore except more on the exposed side with a lower collar and much shorter skirt. Regardless of your opinion on it, you practically had to wear it.

"An onion head and a perv, strange combination just never put it together before now." You looked down at the prince who seemingly drooled over your appearance. "Were you even asleep?" The question was of doubt.

"Like I'd tell." He responded back with cockiness ever so blatantly laced within every spoken word.

"Could you let go now?" You managed to wince the words out as his grip was astronomically painful against your wrist.

He grinned once more, and with another tightening squeeze, he let go.

"Do as the hottie says." He remarked, stealing perverted glances once more.

"You just want food." You held your aching wrist, thinking of how it will surely bruise later on.

"Hmm that too. Though there is a meal in front of me and I haven't taken one bite." Slowly he got up from his bed to leave for breakfast, not even once bothering to change from his sleepwear. "Make my bed, wouldja?" Yonji questioned with a non demanding tone that seemingly demanded a great deal. He left once again with a wave and a walk of confidence.

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