Chapter 14

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Finally. The end of the day at last. Me, Niall, Louis, Orla, Natasha, Harry, Amy, Zayn, Liam and Pippa were in Science sitting on the edge of our seats with are bags on our shoulders waiting for the bell to ring. *BRIIIING* We literally jumped out of our seats and ran out the room not caring that the teacher was yelling. As we got outside of the school grounds, I noticed that it was snowing. Louis being Louis, he ran out into the street and stuck his tongue out of his mouth and started to catch snowflakes. Harry ran after him joining in.

“Seriously. When are those two going to turn gay for eachother?” I joked causing me to get playful evils of Natasha and Orla.

Orla and Natasha ran over to Louis and Harry who had proceeded to roll around on top of eachother in the snow. Screaming and chucking snow in eachothers faces. I looked to Zayn and Amy and Liam and Pippa. Liam was hugging Pippa to keep walm and Zayn and Amy were kissing while whispering things into eachothers ears. A cold breeze hit me causing me to shiver and rub my arms.

“You cold?” Niall asked looking at me

“A bit, yeah, but I’ll be fine.” I said

“Well, have my jacket. I’d rather be cold than you.” He smiled while taking his dark blue Jack Wills hoodie off

“Thankyou.” I smiled as I put it on, his sweet scent filling my nose. I gave him a hug. I was so short compared to him as he rubbed my back.

“Let’s go to Nandos.” Niall said

“Are you never not hungry?” Zayn said breaking away from Amy’s mouth

“Nope.” Niall chuckled

“Fine. Let’s go, I think I still have Aiden’s black nandos card from last time!” I said

Nandos was only round the corner so it didn’t take long to walk there. We all were laughing and taking the mick out of teachers along the way. I swear Pippa was the best at doing impressions of the teachers! We walked inside, the warmth hitting our cold faces and the smell of peri peri sauce filled my nose. They obviously knew who I was as they shouted “GRIMSHAWS SISTER” at me, which scared me. I gave them the card and everyone ordered what they wanted. It was handy having a celebrity brother, you got free Nandos! We all sat down and talked about everything. What we were going to do together, GCSE’s and all important stuff. The food came and everyone dug in. Niall finished within about five minutes- bless him! And everyone else about twenty. We were all totally stuffed when we walked out of Nando’s the cold breeze hitting our faces. It was still snowing outside. I felt something cold and icy impacting my face. I turned and I saw Niall stood there with a very cheeky grin on his face. Payback time. I dropped down and scooped some snow into my hands and went charging after Niall. He saw it coming and started to run. I chased after him. Everyone else was just throwing snowballs. We all ran into the car park throwing snowballs. My main target was Niall. I jumped on his back and smashed the snowball on his head. He tipped me forward and carried me to a massive pile of snow. He dropped me in it, snow covering the whole of my body. Before he could run away I grabbed his ankle and pulled him down. We started to laugh for ages before he looked me in the eyes and gave me a long kiss. His bright blue eyes shone at me. I soon realised everyone was looking at us laughing.

“Get up loosers!” Harry giggled

We got up and walked over to them. Louis had something in behind his back. he lifted his arm up and dropped a snowball on Harry’s head. Everyone started to laugh as Harry ran to the other side of the car park and bent down to get a snowball. I saw a car coming into the car park.

“Harry! Watch yourself!”Louis shouted

The car lost control and screeched. Harry looked up, horror in his face. The car collided with Harry’s body. He went over the car bonnet and slid off the roof, his lifeless body hitting the white, snowy ground.

“HARRY!” Natasha screamed lurching forward Louis grabbing her from behind. We all ran forward to him as the car pulled over, the driver getting out looking sick.

“The car, it just lost control.” The driver stuttered

“CALL AN AMBULANCE!” Natasha screamed, tears streaming down her face.

I ran over to her, crouching down next to Harry’s body. The snow was turning red from the blood coming from his head. I heard silent sirens in the background.

How could a good day like this turn to one of the worst days ever.

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