Chapter 37

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So today was it. The day I was to become Emily Grimshaw. I honestly couldn't wait. I was slightly curling my hair so it hung nicely around my shoulders. I applied some natural make-up and put my dress on. I suddenly had a sick feeling wash over me and at the same time the baby kicked. I was only just six months gone so the baby was kicking quite frequently. I checked I looked okay and I walked down the stairs, past the nursery Aiden had surprised me with, and into the front room. Aiden was staying at Matt's and I was staying at the house. I walked into the front room. My mum's face dropped.

"Oh my god. Darling you look so beautiful!" she said, with tears in her eyes.

"You look stunning!" Sophie smiled.

"Thankyou," I smiled, getting the weird sicky feeling again.

"You alright darling?" my mum asked obviously seeing my facial expression

"Yeah, probably just nerves!" I smiled, trying to forget about it.


I was stood in the mirror, tying my tie. Im not going to lie, I was nervous. Matt walked in.

"You alright mate?" he asked

"Nervous." I said as I gave up tying my tie.

"Come here quiffy!" he laughed as he turned me around and tied the tie properly.

"Thanks mate." I laughed.

I heard the smoke alarm go off.

"Fucks sake." I muttered under my breath. "Niall! Watch the fucking toaster!" I yelled

"Sorry!" he called back.

"Woah mate. Chill." Matt said

"Urgh. Sorry. I'm just nervous." I said

"Come on. Lets get going. Knowing Emily, she'll be early!" Matt laughed.


I looked at my mum, waiting at the bottom of the isle. She smiled at me before linking my arm with hers and the music started playing. It was an instrumental version of Cannonball. We both proceeded to walk down the isle. Aiden didn't turn round, but Matt saw me. He smiled and whispered something in Aiden's ear, which made him turn round. His jaw literally dropped to the floor before forming into a smile. I smiled at him before he turned around. Matt gave me a wink before he turned around aswell. We reached the top of the aisle and I gave Sophie my flowers. My mum gave my arm to Aiden and stepped behind me.

"Today, we're here to witness the marriage of Emily and Aiden, now before we begin with the vows, does anyone have any reasons why these two people shouldn't be wed?" the vicar asked.

*MY P.O.V*

I was stood behind Emily slightly to the side with Niall next to me. He had his arm wrapped around my waist and was slightly hugging me.

"I Emily, take thee, Aiden, to be my lawful wedded husband, to love and to cherish, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health." Emily said, placing the ring on Aiden's finger.

"I Aiden, take thee, Emily, to be my lawful wedded wife, to love and to cherish, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health." Aiden said placing the ring on Emily's finger.

"Do you Emily, take Aiden?" the vicar asked

"I do."

"Do you Aiden, take Emily?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The vicar declared "You may kiss the bride."

Aiden pulled Emily into him and kissed her passionately. The placed her hands around his neck and they pulled away smiling. Everyone was clapping as they made their way down the isle. Aiden wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked down the isle. Life was literally perfect.

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