Chapter 33

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"Will you marry me?" Aiden asked, his brown eyes widened.

I just stood there in shock.

"Emily?" he asked, his face turning to sadness.

I snapped back out of shock.

"YES! YES YES YES!" I squealed.

Aiden shot up and placed the ring on my finger. It fitted absolutely perfectly. He picked me up, spun me around and kissed me. It was absolutely perfect.

"I love you," he whispered as he pressed his forhead against mine.

"I love you too," I whispered back, kissing him.

He sat down and pulled me down lightly with him, opening the picnic basket. Inside it had all my favourite food, and a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne. He was so thoughtful. I stared at my ring. It was white gold and had a huge diamond in it, with lots of little diamonds around it.

The ring-

The ring was absolutely perfect.

"Aiden, this ring is beautiful!" I exclaimed

"So you like it?" he grinned

"I love it!" I squealed.

I layed down next to him and looked at the stars above my head.



"How do you feel about having the wedding before the baby is born? You know, so we have a proper start?"

"That sounds amazing!"

"I also booked you an appointment at the maternity ward tomorrow for a scan!"

"Thank you babe! You really are so caring. I love you!" I said while giving him a kiss on the cheek and snuggling into him.

*MY P.O.V*

I woke up. I was in my room and Niall was next to me. The film was on the credits. I turned to look at Niall, he was asleep peacefully. I was really hungry, so I decided to go and make some toast. I crept out of the bed. I felt Nialls arms wrapped around my waist, as I pulled away, I woke him up.

"Hey, sorry I woke you. I'm just gonna get some food, you want some?" I whispered

"Its okay, I fell asleep not long after you," he giggled "And was that really a question? I always want food!" he winked.

I grabbed his hoodie off the chair, put it on and walked downstairs. I wonder where Emily and Aiden were? Hm, they must of gone out. I decided to make some popcorn. Not very healthy, I know, but it was a good snack. I put the bag in the microwave and sat on the worktop. I took my phone out of my pocket and went on Twitter and Facebook. I hadn't been on Facebook since the fire. I had 100+ wallposts and messages. I read though them all, mostly saying 'sorry' or 'it'll be all okay, im here if you need me'. As much as I appreciated these messages, they weren't my real friends. They were just trying to be nice, I know, but sometimes, I wish they didn't exist. Some of the people that had written, were even people who didn't believe me or accused me. But I'm not bothered.

The front door opened and Aiden and Emily walked in holding hands and snuggling.

"Hi!" I said grabbing the popcorn from the microwave, nearly burning my hands.

"We've got something to tell you." Emily smiled.

"Go on then!" I winked.

She held her left hand out, showing a very expensive looking diamond ring.

"Oh my god! Are you engaged?!" I shouted

"Yeah!" she giggled

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you!" I squealed as I hugged her.

I looked at Aiden, who was smiling. I went to hug him. Today has been a good day!

"I'll just go and tell Niall!" I grinned whilst pouring the bag of popcorn into a bowl.

I skipped up the stairs and walked into my room. Niall was sat up in the bed, he was watching Big Brother which I despised.

"Babe! Turn it off, you know I hate it!" I laughed

"Sorry!" he giggled whilst turning the TV off.

"Anyway, guess what?"

"Erm, leprachauns are in the back garden?"

"No, Aiden and Emily are engaged!"

"What?! Really?! Oh my god, that's amazing!"

"I know!"

"That is great!" he said.


Sorry its rubbish, or its suddenly just come to an end!:s next part will be up soon!:)xxxx

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