Chapter 16

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*1 week later*

Today Harry was coming out of the hospital. He’d been given the okay to go. He had a broken leg, a broken rib and cuts and bruises, but the family wanted him home for Christmas. We were all going over to visit him later, after he’d got settled in at home. The driver had got off scot-free as apparently the car park was slippy where the car had skidded. So the car park had been fined. Harry didn’t care at all. All he was glad for, was that he was going to recover and that fact that he was simply alive. Natasha was completely waiting on him hand and foot at the hospital and probably will when he’s at home. He can be cheeky sometimes and take advantage, but she didn’t mind.

I was in the park with Niall. Snow was covering the ground. We were sitting on the swings just going through our heads what had happened this year. My brother being in X Factor, the whole Jake thing, Harry. Everything. We just kept going over it. My life was so perfect and nothing could ever change it.

I heard two cackly laughs from behind me. Me and Niall turned round and stood there, was Mark and Chris smirking.

“Whad’ya want?” Niall spat

“Just a little warning. Watch out.” Mark said.

“Piss off.” Niall said as they walked off.

“Niall, what do you think they mean?” I asked

“Nothing. They’re probably just trying to scare you. That’s all.” He said reassuringly

“But what if theyre not? What if theyre plotting something?”

“Babe. They won’t hurt you. I won’t let them.” He said smiling while giving me a kiss on my forehead and hugging me. “Now come on. Harry will be at home by now.”


“I’ll give you two a bit of time on your own.” Anne smiled as she walked out and closed the door.

I looked at Harry who gave a cheeky little grin.

“Come over here.” He smiled whilst stretching his arms out.

“I’ve missed you Harry.” I whispered into his chest

“I’ve missed you too.” He whispered back. I looked into his bright green eyes.

He put his finger under my chin and pulled me close to him. He kissed me lightly. We progressed on kissing. I opened my lips and let his tongue explore my mouth before we were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I pulled away from him, wiping my lips of any saliva. Niall and Sophie walked in, holding hands.

“What have you two been doing?” Niall winked, obviously noticing pink lipstick smear marks all over Harry’s mouth.

“None of your business.” Harry winked.

“So how you feeling, curly?” Sophie asked while sitting down on the armchair.

“Great actually. All that’s stopping me is my leg.” He said whilst pointing to his plastered leg, balanced on a couple of cushions on the coffee table.

“Good!” she smiled

The doorbell rang again. This time, Louis, Orla, Zayn, Amy, Liam and Pippa all walked in at the same time.

“Hey mate, how you doing?” Louis asked, playfully ruffling Harry’s curls.

“I’m okay.” He said.

“Okay, break up the gayness.” Sophie winked at them

“Sorry.” Louis grinned, giving Harry a cheeky sexual look

I Wanna Save You Tonight (I'll Save You) - Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now