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I stretched slightly feeling a pang in my left arm causing me to whimper audibly. Jemmy swung around the corner in pajamas "You alright?" He asked concerned. I shook my head "My shoulder.." A bottle of pills was tossed onto the bed "I have to wash that bullet wound, but it's gonna sting. Like a bitch." He stated from the bathroom. I got up carefully.

"Jemmy?" He hummed "Do you really wanna help me?" He hummed "mhm. I don't want you to hurt yourself on accident." He said from the bathroom. I walked over to the bathroom seeing the neat set up. "Geez, you went through my bags?" He nodded and turned to me "I just figured I'd lend some help." He smiled. "Well anyways, get some clothes, I'll help you out." He smiled.

Time skip to like the middle of this process.

I stood awkwardly letting James do whatever he was doing. James chuckled "I don't understand why you're so nervous. You get naked in front of girls all the time." James commented. "Yeah. But you're a guy. And you're Jemmy." I stated. He smiled "I promise, I'm not looking." Keep your cool Thomas. Say something cool.. "I mean you can if you want. I wouldn't mind." James giggled as he blushed lightly. "I can wait." He said after calming down.

"Although, you might want to hold my hand for this." I did as told, feeling a sharp pain on the bullet wound causing me to tense up and whimper loudly "Fuck.." I muttered under my breath.

James nodded "I know it hurts. But if you won't go to a hospital this is what's going to happen." James picked up a dark towel "I didn't listen and I went to the store anyways." He pressed the towel to my arm causing me to whine. "I'm gonna have to stitch this." I closed my eyes "Shit.." He sighed "Breathe Tommy." Around the sharp pain came ANOTHER sharp pain "Relaxxxx" he said, clearly focused on what he was doing.

I felt tears stream down my face "Thomas I'm almost done." I exhaled a shaky breath. "Tommy this is really gonna sting." Oh fuck. I wasn't looking at what he was doing but it-using his own words- stung like a bitch. "I'm done." There was so much blood. It was actually of scary. "Tommy, once this adrenaline wears off, your are going to be in sooo much pain. I can't stop it. People normally don't get stitches without being numbed out first. So you're pretty freakin' strong." He stated while bandaging my shoulder again.

Time skip (@school)

I strutted into school per usual. Jemmy opened his locker, I totally almost leaned on my right side. I whinced when I tried, James handed me Advil and a mini water bottle. I took two and quickly handed him the pills back. He waited patiently for me to finish the water. I sighed "Can't I just walk with it?" He shook his head "You need to rehidrate yourself. You don't drink enough water as-is." He crossed his arms. I sighed and chugged the rest of it. "Happy?" He nodded "very." He smiled and took the empty bottle out of my hand and throwing it away.

We walked to class cocky smirk on my face, and Jemmy held a perfect character. I walked into the classroom, being me, Mr.Washington, Jemmy and Hamilton. We both sat down, I leaned back in my seat and I don't know how but I moved my arm enough to make me whince. "Thomas, you want more Advil? If you say no I'm just gonna If you say no I'm throwing this water bottle to you." I grunted "Give me the damn pills." He opened the bottle and handed me one. "You'll overdose. I'm not giving you anymore until third period." He said putting the pill bottle in his small backpack.

I sighed as he handed me the water bottle I took the pill and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "What happened?" Mr.Washington asked. "James, if you will?" He nodded "A certain special someone...hurt me. Really bad, and Thoams decided to be an idiot and almost kill him-" I cut him off "What?! You're penalizing me? I almost snapped his neck!" James sighed "exactly my point. Anyways, that certain person shot him and he refuses to let me take him to a hospital." I rolled me eyes "You stiched it didn't you?" Mr. Washington asked. James nodded "Yeah but I'm no nurse. I don't have a medical degree." I sighed.

Peculiarity(JeffMads/Modern AU)REVAMPING ❌Where stories live. Discover now