t w e n t y - e i g h t

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I sat on the couch, thoughts flooding brain, simply about James obviously. We planned on going to a Schuyler party later on that night. Janes came downstairs and saw me. "Oh hi Thomas." He said with a wave. "Heya." I followed him to the kitchen. I stood behind him, closely examining the water he was pouring himself. James put the glass down, I saw this as an open opprotunity and kissed down his neck, I planted casual hickeys just barley out of sight. James bit his lip. "T-Thomas...not right now.." I sighed and walked back into the living room.

James followed closely behind. "Sorry, I just--" I shook my head. "You said no so I won't do anything no biggie." I sat on the couch looking at the ceiling. James laid on top of me. "I want to but...we have to leave for the party." I nodded.

Time skiuop

I sat in a chair located in the basement. 4 beers and no buzz. Well, maybe it was getting to me a bit. There were tons less people downstairs, James found me randomly. "Oh, Tommy hey." He walked to me and kissed my forehead. "I wouldn't reccomend you use they upstairs bathrooms." I raised an eyebrow "Why?" I asked.

"Lavander." I nodded and stood up "Wada ya need?" I asked. James nodded. "Peggy's playing seven minutes in heaven if you would like to partake." I sighed. "She'll pair me up with another girl or someone I hate or something." James sighed holding my hands. "Yeah, or she'll pair me up with you." James added with a shrug.

"I'll pass, I'm just gonna be down here." I stated. James sighed. "I don't want to play if you don't." I shrugged. "Sorry. Not in the mood to play pretend." I picked my beer up and chugged it. "You don't have to. You literally told Burr that you mark your property and have you noticed my button up T-Shirt is unbuttoned at the top? Marks fully visual, who do you think they assume did it?" James ranted. I looked at James in silence. He started doing the sleeve thing. "Why're you nervous darlin'?" I asked throwing the bottle away and getting a new one.

"Does alcohol scare you?" James sighed audibly. "That and you didn't respond.." I o'd before opening the bottle on a nearby table. "Well sugar," I took a swig off of the bottle. "I quite frankly enjoy listening to you talk. So I'll after listening to your amazing voice and opinions I will indeed tell you my answer. You ranted so I wanted to make sure I knew exactly how to respond to you." I drank off the bottle again waiting for his response

"Okay.." I smiled and nodded.

Jemmy p.o.v. becaze this shit will fucc u up from Tommys p.o.v.

I nervously stood still. Reynolds wouldn't respond to me before he did anything so people who don't talk back to me scare me. Or intimidate me if you will. Thomas put his beer down and held my hand, pulling me over to him. He pinned me to the wall and kissed me roughly. Thomas isn't a light weight so when you find him wasted you have to pray he doesn't do anything stupid.

I melted into this kiss quickly, this is surpsisingly nice. It hit me just then. The bitter flavor of alcohol. When he put his hands on my waist I pushed him away gently. "T-tommy you're drunk I can't take advantage of that." He sighed. "I'm just a little buzzed. It keeps me away from weed doesn't it?" I forgot that back in senior year he was hooked on marijuana.

I nodded. "I still just want to wait till you're sober.." He grunted and backed off. He may be drunk and horny but when he no matter what takes no for an answer. He's not one to force anything on people even if he loses control, if you manage to push him away he doesn't force himself on you.

Thomas picked his beer up and sat on a nearby chair. There was a knock at the basement door before Peggy walked downstairs. "We're playing never have I ever if you two want to join us." She informed. I looked at the distraught Thomas. "Is that okay?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I don't own you, do as you please." He said, a different undertone in his voice that nobody would really notice but me.

I would feel absoloutly horrible leaving him if he isn't in a good place. I sighed. "Yeah, sure I'm coming up I'll be right there." Peggy nodded and walked upstairs. I walked over to Thomas. "Hey, are you okay?" Thomas nodded with a fake cocky smirk. "Why wouldn't I be?"

I shrugged and sat on his lap, putting my head on his shoulder. "What are you doing?" I shrugged again. I of course wanted to...but not while he was intoxicated. "You know I love you right?" I asked he nodded. "I just can't do this with you while you're drunk, I'll never forgive myself." I sighed. "I just wish you would sometimes. You're so calm and collected and that just drives me crazy." He explained.

I nodded. "I better get to that game." He nodded. I kissed his forehead. "I love you. I will gladly make love to you when you're sober tomorrow." I stood up "I'll hold you to that." I smiled before walking away.

Peculiarity(JeffMads/Modern AU)REVAMPING ❌Where stories live. Discover now