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I grunted while rolling over, James was on his laptop, he had tea on the nightstand. "Good morning Tommy." I sat up "Hey." I responded grogily "How's your shoulder?" I nodded "Good." He smiled and looked back at his laptop. I looked at his screen

"What are you up to?" I asked with a yawn. "Just emailing our new landlord." My eyes widened "Have you seen the apartment yet?" He nodded opening an email "it's actually a house." My eyes widened James smiled and played video. (I'll describe it later I promise) "God Jem. It's beautiful."

He nodded. "I thought you would like it. Upstairs there's two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hugeee closet, a patio and then catch this a huge room the previous owners used as a game room." He explained. I nodded "then on the ground floor there's the kitchen, dining room, another bathroom, the living room, the basment door and a backyard."

"How much is all of this?" He shrugged "Don't worry about it. I called in a favor." I nodded "Maddy, I'd kiss you if you weren't sick right now." He giggled "I'll imagine it." I smiled "But we can't sign papers." He shook his head "Actually, we can. The day of my birthday we sign papers the same time we move in." I nodded "I should get up, I have school soon." He nodded.

Time skip

I tapped my foot impatiently while waiting for my last teacher to finish his lecture. The bell rang causing me to shoot up and walk out of the classroom. I raced to my car quickly starting it and calling James.

Please leave your message after the tone.

The fuck?

"Hey Jemmy, I'm headed home, hope you're okay. Uhhh see you soon. Love you."

I hung up. He always answers... That is just so weird. I quickly pulled into the parking lot slamming my car door locking it while running upstairs. I spammed the elavator button until it opened and irritably pressed the 4th floor button. The doors slid open. I exhaled and ran to our room. I pulled the key out and slid it in the door and pulled it back out. Red fuckkk I did the same thing again. Yellow come on! Red son of a bitch!

I repeated this about ten times before the damn thing turned green. I shoved the door open, whincing quietly because of the doorway brushing harshly against my left shoulder. I closed the door quietly, Jemmy sat on the bed, he clearly had been crying. Unsure why I took a deep breath trying not to scare him. "James..?" He looked up at me "Oh..hey Thomas." He never calls me Thomas. Plus, his voice was extreeeemly scratchy. "What's wrong?" He sighed "I called you..." He sighed "I'm sorry, I was throwing my guts up for the past hour." I relaxed "Jem, are you okay?" He shook his head.

"God. Do you want ginger ale or crackers or something?" He shook his head "I...this happens every time." I sighed "Why didn't you tell me?" He shrugged "I didn't want you to worry.." I laughed "Well babe! I'm worried now!" I explained. He looked at the bed "I'm sorry." I sighed "Jimmy James, you gotta tell me these things." He nodded. "Do you want to rest?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Our landlord is uh..she said that it's fine for us to move in on my birthday." I sighed "Jimmy. I-" he cut me off "Did you just call me Jimmy?" I nodded "Yes, and?" He shrugged looking at the wall. I sighed again "Jemmy, I need you to be healthy for this move. You need to rest and take your medicine."

He sighed and nodded "Speaking of medicineeee" I walked to the bathroom and got the pill bottle. Jem sighed deeply. I giggled before opening the bottle and handing him three pills. I kissed his forehead and walked to the couch sitting down. "Jemmy, how are you doing?" He shrugged after taking the pills "Shotty." He never swore, that was really adorable.

Peculiarity(JeffMads/Modern AU)REVAMPING ❌Where stories live. Discover now