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   I sighed while sitting on the ground outside of debate. James said he had a few more minutes left and then my phone vibrated again.

Time to bail.

  I smiled and slid my phone back into my pocket before standing up and walking into the room. Washington was talking about something while James was just nodding and putting his things in his backpack. I walked up to James "All set?" He nodded. I smiled, putting out a hand to help him down. He glady took it and jumped off the stage like platform.

  Washington smiled "Are you two being careful?" James and I nodded. I looked at him a genuine smile creeping on to my face. "Let's go shall we?" James smiled and nodded while quickly throwing his backpack on. I started to walk, followed by James. Aaron Burr stood in front of me "Hey!" I waved and kept walking, Burr being the persistant person he is continued to follow me.

  "So I was talking Hamilton the other day and get this, he used to have a crush on Madison." He pointed to James. I heard James giggle "Well isn't that something." I said trying not to care. "I know about you two." I rolled my eyes "You believe that dumb rumor?" Burr shook his head "I see the way you look at him." I sighed "I don't know what you're talking 'bout. I'm not gay." I shrugged. "You look at James like freaking big mac, come on now." I rolled my eyes "For one, I work at Wendy's," burr sarcastically waved his hands in defeat.

  "Sure! Sure tell Aaron anything! But I know you two have got to be dating." Burr whispered the last part before walking away. "Nice save." James said once we got to the car. I nodded "Thanks." I got into the car and started it as James buckled his seat belt. I waited for him to finish doing that before I put my hand on his inner thigh and kissed him. James antially just sat still but eventually started to kiss me back. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away, imidetly pulling out of my parking spot.

  "What was that for?" James asked confused. I shrugged "Just felt like kissing you." I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, after noticing the caller ID I ensured I took my phone off Bluetooth and answered "Hey babyyy." I sighed "Hey." I looked at James mouthing the word 'Work' he nodded and looked back out of the window. "You sound stressed~" I sighed "I am." "Are you with him again?" "mhm." "We on for tonight?~" I sighed. "I don't think so." "Awee please? I'll help~" "Nope." "Pleaase? I need you~" why? Just- why? "Fine." "Usual time." "Works for me."

  "Till later~" I hung up and put my phone on the dashboard. "What's up?" I shrugged "Nothing." I sighed leaning into my seat.

Jemmy p.o.v.

   I wonder who he's talking to. Maybe his boss? Hm. Weird. "What's up?" He shrugged "Nothing." He's being oddly secretive. Peculiar. I looked down seeing what I was doing with my sleeve but I didn't bother to stop. I looked out of the window watching New York go by. The tension quickly grew in car. I opened an email on my phone.

To; JamesMadions1789@gmail.com

From; jamesreynoldsevenbetter...

   What the hell? You have jefferdick fighting for you now? You know that cuckass broke my nose? Ill be in the hospital for another month with these injuries.

I fucking fell on my knee and shattered it, I suffered severe vocal damage considering how close the damn blade was to killing me!

When I get out of this bitch I'm comming to take back what's mine.

   That can't be good. I put my phone in my pocket trying to concentrate on the cityscape that passed by me. I bit the inside of my cheek. Why can't he just leave me the he'll alone? "Do you want to uh...go get some dinner tonight?" I asked quietly. Thomas sighed and shook his head. "I'm Woking late today." I nodded and looked back out of the window. "I'm taking over for gina, she's propsing to her girlfriend and didn't realise she would have to work today." Thomas explained. I nodded "Cool."

  I spent my entire afternoon watching stupid chick flicks, I watched 50 shades of grey. If Jared were here he'd say kinky. But the movie definitely did not turn me on, still no kinks, good. To. Know. My phone buzzed

Hey baby I'm up the block left my keys there ill ring the bell

  I sighed and put my phone back down taking a sip of ny drink. It was one in the morning, did his shift really last this long today? An alarming bell pulled me out of my thoughts. I stood up and walked to the door. I was preparing my speech for why he shouldn't be working so late for other people.

  I unlocked the door, turned the knob and swung the door open "I-'' my sentence didn't matter after I saw Thomas kissing who if I remembered correctly was Maria. I froze and just stood still. Say something...anything...just say something. "You two really need a room. The guest room is wide open." I said an umaused look on my face. Calm down. Relax and start breathing. Fuck that shit.

"So...I now think that I should fully commit to this relationship."

  Bullshit. Maria giggled. "I'm alright for now~" she waved and stepped away quickly. I stepped aside letting Thomas into the house. "Look, James, she kissed me before I could say no." I nodded closing and locked the door "It was just a kiss." It still hurts. So bad.

  "Really James?" I nodded walked to the couch to pick up my phone, Thomas pulled me into kiss. I pulled away, not bothering to kiss back. "I'm going to bed." Thomas nodded "Sleep well Jemmy." I nodded. As well as I can.

Le next day

  I rolled over seeing Tommy's phone, I saw a text message from Maria.

8:19 AM
Maria Lewis: Hey daddy, we on for another night? Unless you came so much last night you're sore 😉😘😘

8:20 AM
Maria Lewis: Ugh, I'm horny. Pleasee

  If the first messgage wasn't a big enough give away the second one certainly was. Thomas is cheating. I felt a knot move to my stomach. I stood up quickly being met with slight lightheadedness but I brushed it off and walked downstairs. I opened his phone. "Thomas." He looked away from the TV and at me with a hum. "Are you cheating on me?" His expression changed to guilt and sadness as I looked at him, tears threatening to leave my eyes.

  "No..." I smilled and nodded "Really? Then explain these." I threw him his phone. "James I-" I shook my head and cut him off "How long have you two been doing this huh? How long have you been lying to me?" Thomas hestiated. "A month.." He mumbled. I couldn't resist the tears falling down my face. I shook my head "I can't believe I trusted you.." Thomas stood up and walked over to me.

  "James, there's an explanation to this..." I nodded "What happened? She tripped, fell landed on your dick?" He looked down "Okay... Maybe you're right there's no propper explanation but...I'm sorry." I smiled "Have fun with your girlfriend." I pushed him back and stomped upstairs.

Tommy p.o.v.

  Shit. I...fuck. I'm so stupid. Why did I do that? How do I fix this? I.. Shit. After about five minutes of confusion and sadness filled minutes James came downstairs with a suitcase. "I'm gonna let you get your shit straight Thomas, because clearly I'm not enough for you." He said with a smile throwing his keys on the glass coffee table.

  "Jemmy, you mean the world to me.." James shook his head "For an entire month Tommy. We've been together for 4 1/2 months. 18 weeks Thomas. You have spent the last one of them saying to yourself that I'm not good enough for you, and that you just want me for emotional support. Learn loyalty then we'll talk." James stormed out. I colapsed on my knees, refusing to cry.

This my my fault.

       I fucked up bad...really bad

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