Chapter 22 Mixed Emotions

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Lukes POV

Sometimes I can't help but feel confused by megan, one minute she's complaining that noones visiting her but now that I've turned up its all "why are you here". The more I look at her the more I notice how rough she looks this precise moment. My eyes scan hers noticing the bags under her eyes showing me the lack of sleep she's had. I let my eyes roam around the room looking for something for me to sit on before I evenutally find a little stool, I pull it up next to her bed and take a seat.

"Luke what are you doing here , more importantly how the hell did you get into my house,did you know its a criminal affence to break into someones house,I can get you arrested you know. You scared me half to death, I thought you were a robber or something". She spoke,her tone changing with each word.

"Chill megan, your parents know my parents some how and let me in, besides with that attitude I don't doubt you'd be just fine on your own if there was a robber" I replied letting out a loud chuckle receiving on a straight face back from her.

"Back to the subject of why your even here luke?" She asked turning her attention to the tv, I know really that she's trying to act like she don't care, this just shows how much she doesent know me atall.

"Well if you must know, I came to see if you were okay but I'm clearly not wanted right now or at all so ill leave you to get better on your own as you seem to be refusing any one that's willing to even be your friend" I say rather quickly,instantly regretting most of it. I feel my self craving the urge to leave the room as it fills with awkwardness.

"You want to be my friend?" She speaks quietly fiddling with the ends of her hair not daring to look at me instead keeping her eyes peeled on the tv infront of her.

"Well that wouldent be such a bad idea would it" I reply running a hand through my hair .

I watching as she slowly turns her head to face me,her tense facial expression starting to soften as she gives me a slight nod ,"I guess not".

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