Chapter three - The bad news

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PALE - would be the best word to describe Anne right now. She looked lifeless standing there , too afraid to ask more questions as she feared she'd get the tragic answer.
Diana saw her friend's face turn as white as snow , so she immediately jumped to explain
"No Anne , he's fine! I am sure he is perfectly fine , it's not like that," she said while turning at Ruby to yell at her "Ruby! For goodness sake , calm yourself , you're making it seem like it is the end of the world!" Anne , who had never seen Diana like this before , was still confused even though now a little more relieved , as it didn't seem as much of a big deal like Ruby is making it sound , besides even though she loved her dearly, she knew Ruby could be dramatic from time to time.
Diana who apparently has had enough , proceeded to explain what happened and end this long and painful anticipation that felt longer than it was.
"Rumor is ,Gilbert Blythe has found a lady." she explained.
Anne sighed in the sign of relief. Her heart that was beating so fast started slowing down to the normal rhythm. She had expected the worse.
"Isn't it horrible Anne? This is the most tragic thing that has ever happened to me! I will never have a chance now!" she cried.
Well she would never have a chance either way , as she believed Gilbert would never return to Avonlea. But she did not want to make her friend feel worse , so she just joined her friends in attempting to calm her down , which was quite the challenge. And she thought she was the hysterical one. She'd call many things tragic , but Gilbert Blythe finding a lady was not one of them. Although , she did have a weird uncomfortable feeling in the chest , but that was probably from all the jump scares.
"I am certain he has not found anyone Ruby, the rumors are almost never true , besides , I don't think he would settle in this age , I mean , he never seemed as someone who'd be interested in romance anyway," said Anne. Surprisingly that was the key to make Ruby stop crying. Although Anne said that , she did not believe it herself. Gilbert had surprised her before , so it wasn't illogical to think he had found someone in one of the cities he had visited, who was most likely insanely pretty. They're probably traveling the world together, which Anne thought it was quite a romantic concept.
"Come on now , let's get inside. We've been here for quite sometime" said Diana , snapping Anne out of her daydream once again.
The girls walk in the classroom , this time each one of them lost in their thoughts. To think Anne was looking forward to today's class but Gilbert Blythe even though not here , still manages to ruin another perfect day.

The last one for tonight , I'll be heading to sleep. Hope u enjoyed!

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