Chapter 7 - A hero ...ish?

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RELIEF , JOY , EMBARRASSMENT were just some of the many emotions Anne was feeling at the very moment. Relief someone had found her , joy seeing her friend(?) back , embarrassment how he had found her. The last one increasing intensively. Especially after she had seen his face change from a graved expression to his lips curling into a smirk. Right in front of her eyes stood Gilbert Blythe himself. Who had grown taller , his voice a little deeper than before , his hair had lengthen a little too. Other than that , he hadn't changed a lot.
"..Gilbert?" was all Anne could say at the moment , surprised to see him standing in front of her.
"Anne Shirley-Cuthbert , what on earth are you doing here all alone?" he asked her , worried something might have happened to her or the Cuthberts ... but he couldn't help but put on a sly smile at the fact that he found her in trouble ..again .. just like the first time he'd met her in the woods ... again..  This girl was a genius for getting in trouble. For a moment it felt like he had never left.
"I don't see how you can find amusement in of a situation like this , Blythe." the girl told him lifting her nose up in the air.
It was clear she had mistakenly read smugness in Gilbert's face , which was not the case. She had not even greeted him ... or answered his question.. yeah definitely the Anne he remembered.
"Well , good evening to you too , Anne!" he purposely said with a smirk on his face, hoping it would ring a bell.
" Does it seem like a good evening to you?" replied rapidly Anne defending herself as she had noticed Gilbert was .... clearly!!.... trying to humiliate her even more.
"Well , depends on what you were doing..." he had told her, not getting rid of that stupid smirk in his face. He of course was expecting an answer , which answer he shall not have the pleasure(!!!) of getting. Instead she answered his question with a question. "What brought you here?"
"You." he told her very straightforwardly , while looking her straight into her big blue eyes. Anne who got too caught up on the moment , had forgotten that she was yelling for help a few minutes ago. Which is extremely humiliating , now that he clearly knows she was struggling to find her way and she didn't have many options of stories she could make up to defend herself.
"Well , since you're so inquisitive.." she said
while looking to see if she'd get the desired reaction ( totally ignoring the fact that she was insulting her potential "hero")
Gilbert responded with a sly smile and a raised eyebrow , already curious to hear the girl's story. Not exactly what she was expecting but anyway.
"...I was in my way to the Fields of Fire." she continued , still keeping head up high , as she had just told him something she should be very much proud of. As soon as she said that , Gilbert burst in a laughter (that he quickly suppressed) but that doesn't matter since it was enough to make the red head's blood boil.
" Oh Anne," he sighed "You're not even in Avonlea!"

OTP ALERT!!! I wasn't planning on posting this today but I won't be home tomorrow, so now you have this lol

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