Chapter 5 - The fields of fire

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DETERMINED Anne Shirley had set her mind earlier that morning that nothing was going to bring down her mood. The news about Gilbert Blythe had shaken her a bit but since Mr.Phillips had dismissed them earlier than usual , there was still hope for the day to be saved. She had planned to go explore the "wilderness" the nature had to offer in this glorious day. Of course she had invited Diana to come with , but she had declined as soon as she'd heard "wilderness". It was too risky for her to go anywhere else other than home after school behind mother's back. Anne had tried to convince her it would be only for a few minutes , maybe half an hour and they'd return home as usual but it wasn't convincing enough to make Diana come with. She wasn't brave enough , but Anne didn't blame her for that , given the strict mother her friend had. She felt sorry for her sometimes, Diana didn't have "A Matthew" like her, who'd smoothen things over when Marilla would get maddened at her. Which happened less frequently lately by the way.
"I'll see you tomorrow then dear Diana," she had told her friend pulling her into a hug.
"Take care Anne!" a worried Diana had said.
"I will , don't you worry!" Anne assured her friend with a warm smile before "heading for the hills... or fields." But it sounded more adventurous to say hills.
Anne entered the forest filled with aged trees , that were astonishing nevertheless. It looked like a leafy paradise. The green grass like waves under her feet looked brighter and prettier than ever which made Anne feel guilty for stepping over it. Especially over flowers, that were spotted like little dots all around the grass, she tried to avoid stepping over them at all cost. Even if that meant taking the long road. But she didn't worry , she knew she had time. She had set her mind to go see the "Fields of fire"  , as everyone in Avonlea would call them.  She has heard the beauty of the fields is heavenly . The fields were covered in red tulips and orange daisies. Must be breathtaking! And the name gave her such a thrill!
She had begged Marilla to take her there before but she had told her it's not worth the trouble , it was too far away anyway. Which Anne didn't understand , she'd walk miles to see such majestic beauty. It's another one of earthly blisses, you simply can't miss on seeing that. How lucky were those people who lived close to them , they certainly go there everyday! "It's just red flowers Anne, I am sure if you open that door you'll find similar ones in a minute," Marilla had told her pointing towards the door of their house. Of course that had crushed Anne's dreams. Although , she was sure she'd get to see them someday. And she had decided that "someday" was today. She had time..
The only problem was , she had not a single idea where the field were. But she was sure she'd find them.
And so she began her adventures in the search of the fields of fire.

Hope you enjoyed this! Describing nature is not my strong suit so hopefully this was okay!

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