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My breath hitched when Jo met eyes with me, "Ah Jungkook you came down right on time. Dinner's about to be ready so why don't you go take a seat first?" She patted my chest as she waddled past me.

I nodded quickly and let out a sigh of relief. I waited for her in the dining room. That night, it was just the both of us. Nothing odd there as my brothers would only come down for dinner during special occasions.

Or if we have good looking guests over, regardless of their gender. Heck, I wasn't even sure if any of them were home. In the past, this matter concerned Jo greatly.

She advised them individually to be home more than they are outside or at least, have dinner with the rest of the family to bond with each other. However, those things don't mean anything to them, not anymore.

They preferred wilding out in unknown places, it was their way of bonding with people. Now, Jo simply had learned to turn a blind eye on it.

I made sure to inform her about a moment I experienced where my mind just stopped processing my thoughts right after visiting Taehyung's place. Jo's eyes squinted at me for a long time until she spoke.

"You didn't take any drugs did you?" I cackled at her question. "Come on Jo, I don't even go anywhere else except for the hills nearby. Where would I even get those things?"

"I'm kidding, I know and trust you would never do those things" she pushed the bangs away from my eyes.

Dinner ended shortly and I kissed Jo on the cheek as a thank you for preparing the food before running up the stairs. "Don't forget to do your homework before losing yourself in that book you're reading honey"

A laugh managed to slip out of my mouth and I slowly shook my head at just how much Jo knew me. After bathing myself, I obediently completed all of my homework and only then did I allow to read the book.

As minutes go by, I finished reading a chapter about the aim of the place's existence. I flipped to the next page and much to my dismay, the page was torn off.

Soon, I realised that every page of that chapter was torn off from the book with only the edges of one side of the paper still in tact. "Oh hell you gotta be kidding me".

I huffed in irritation and I had no other options than to skip onto the next chapter which was thankfully, available. Making a mental note to find the missing pages in the library later on, I resumed my reading.

Positions of Jungkook's body changed every few times due to the muscles aching from staying still for such a long period of time and without realising it, he dozed off with an half-read page of the book on his chest.


Somewhere further away hidden from the eyes of the living, Taehyung sat at the balcony of his palace, leaning back as he admired the attractiveness of the stars up above that dimly lit the night sky.

As he took occasional sips from his steaming cup of tea, he could see far in the distance the lights of the cottages of his subjects switching off one by one, a sign that they were finally hitting the sack.

A male in white silently took a seat next to Taehyung. "Why still awake at this hour, Your Highness?" He asked, looking at Taehyung. "Just... thinking" he replied, sounding uncertain.

"May I present you with an acute question?" Taehyung gave a look at his assistant administrator and nodded. "Will you ever... tell him?" This caught all of Taehyung's attention.

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