Chapter 1

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Erika is a really pretty girl who likes to adventure and laugh, but when she was 14 her mum and dad passed away In car crash.She didn't have any family at least in the same state so she got placed into a foster home in the very north of Ohio.All these years of going to school to come home,to getting her hopes up, that just maybe a caring and loving family had come to collect her but that was not the case.Over the years she has just given up, by 16 she knew that no one would want a mardy teenager to live with them so all she could do was sit and wait until she could finally be free in this crazy world that she New was out there but has accepted that she can not yet explore.she is looking for someone to love but is scared for that because she can't remember the last time someone has loved her for her to love them back.

Jake is a boy that is very cheeky and goes out with the boys a lot laughing and messing about but deep down he knows that he wants someone  else that he can love and that he can have a laugh with but not get made fun of for being soft. Jakes parents have never really made time for him and are always doing businesses so once he leaves high school he is moving to college with his friends chance, Anthony and Mackenzie hoping for a more exciting,loving adventure.

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