Chapter 2

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Erika's pov- "uuugghh" I said as my alarm went . Automatically I grab my iPhone that I got with the fostering home charity money and turn the alarm off that's when I realised that today is the day that I am going to my new college since my 18th birthday was last week.I have never been this excited because after 4 years of this lonely hell I finally get to move on to a new chapter. I do the usual routine consisting of doing my hair and having a shower and then I get all my stuff that a have to pack from doing most of it last night and head down stairs to the main carer.Even though she has been a bitch over these past 4 years I find it a bit disrespectful if I didn't give her a little hug as I crawl in to the back of a taxi heading to the train station.

Jake's- I have just got here to my new college about an hour away from home and I am unpacking my things in my dorm with Anthony And Mckenzie it is a pretty big dorm actually but there is one room left because chance wanted to be In a dorm with Alex so I hope we get another girl.
(McKenzie-M Anthony-A jake-J erika-E chance-C)
J-hey guys u finished packing.
J-wanna explore for abit and maybe head for some food.
M- yeah 2 secs.
Jake pov-me mckenzie chance and Anthony are like brother and sister so there is no like weirdness between one of us guys and we then head out around our new town and go to a cafe for lunch.meanwhile
Erika's pov-I just got here after that 3 hour train journey to my new college I go to the office and get my dorm key she said that I am sharing with 3 other people so I am excited to hopefully find some new friends by my shyness might hold me back like it always does with guys and girls so as I reach the room on the corridor my stomach is twisting and turning hoping that I don't get extremely humiliated and bullied each day like my high school.I take a deep breath and open the door and it looks like the other people already got here so great I just have to find the empty room.About an hour later I have unpacked but not completed my room yet I am wondering where these roommates I have are but I just go into the sharing living room and go on my phone.

After lunch Jake Anthony and McKenzie make back to there doom it is around 5pm and are really tired from a long day but are still being the goofs that they all are.
M-hey jake wanna here a joke.
J-sure why not. As we reach the door I pause from the stupid joke that I could tell mckenzie was going to tell we hear noise from a phone or tv so we look at each over.
M-I hope it's a girl.
A-yeah same
J-jake hits him around the head and said I'm in there first man remember you had that girl at the party the other week.
A-Anthony steps back and has a slight smirk on his face remembering that night with the girl.anyway
Jakes pov- mckenzie opens the door and reveals a small beautiful brunnete girl peacefully sleeping on the couch with her phone running through random YouTube videos in her hand.I turn to tony and smirk.
J-shhhh he says as the girl opens her eyes abit shocked from the noise.
E-Hi my names Erika sorry about that I was just abit tired from the travelling.
M/A/J-it's fine they all said at the same time.
We all laughed including Erika.
E-so?i guessing where room mates.
M-yeah I'm so excited you have no idea how long I have been stuck with these mckenzie by the way.
J-I'm jake
Erika pov-this is actually going great so far I mean after the first impressions of me sleeping I can already tell that mckenzie will be my friend and the blonde is very good looking I'm not going to lie and the brown haired one is two but is not qiute my type.
A-and I'm Anthony nice to meet you.he sticks out his hand but jake slides in front of him and sticks out his and they begin to have a playful scrap.
Erikas pov-Erika just laughs and feels herself being dragged to what she thinks is Mckenzie's room.I sit down and we begin to chat about our lives she seemed to be abit shocked as I was telling her that I didn't have parents and I was to because I don't really tell people about it but I knew that it was the right thing to do as we would be living with each over.About 15 minutes had passed and the handsome boys that I was lucky to find out I was living with walked through the door.
J-so erika where are you from.
E-I'm from Ohio just up north.
erika just sat there on the bed confused but slightly giggling
E-what was that
A-well, we don't really know we just do cause your from (southern accent) Ohio.
E-oh gotcha so excited for school?
J-not really but who actually is.
Yeah they all said
Erika pov- after about an hour of us all speaking and sharing stories I finally feel free and excited to live and wake up in the morning.Jake is really hot but I'm definitely not gonna let anyone know that so I put some shorts and a crop top on and head to bed for my first day of college tomorrow.

Hey guys this is my first book hope you like it please comment if you like it and give me ideas they are gonna get more into detail soon but I'm not really good at writing about meeting there will also be more of jakes pov in the next chapter.lilyxx

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