Chapter 12

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Erika's pov-we just got here to the fair and have been on a couple rides,it's around 4:30 and kenzie has already thrown up.Dont stress.But anyway we just got off of a water ride    and we are all soaked so we all stand there and try to figure out what to go on next and to dry off.
A-I think the dodgems
M-tony we have already been on them
A-I'm just trying to have an input seen as we are just stood here in silence,freezing
M-well we could go on the tea cups
C-ok mckenzie us 18 year olds will all collectively go on 2 year tea cups *he said sarcastically*
Erika and Jake were just standing in silence laughing at them,as they all started arguing
E-hey guys
M/C/A-what the fuck do you want
J-stop arguing
M-yeah tony stop arguing
J-and you mckenzie
M-oh now its me is it
J-just shhhh
M-ok ok
She steps back
J-why don't we go on the Ferris wheel,it's not a big que and we are closer to the heat of the sun.
E-I'm down
J-boys?*he winked at them so they knew this was Jakes plan to ask Erika out*
C/A-let's go
Erika pov-we all start walking to the Ferris wheel and get in the carts in twos it was Me and Jake,Anthony and McKenzie,which I will not be surprised if one of them pushes the other off and then chance was by himself which was definitely funny and just sums up his life really.Any way me and Jake get on the wheel hand in hand and begin to talk whilst looking over the stunning view of fields and the lake in the distance having the orange reflection of the suns set on it
J-so how do you like your new life
E-it's a dream come true,mostly because of you
J-why me
E-well you just understand me
J-I feel the same and....
J-do you know when you said you loved me back.... did you actually mean it
Erika turned around from looking at the view and looked him directly in his eyes
E-Well If love is  the person that you put before anyone else in this world and is happy when there happy.then I am completely in love with jake Joseph paul
Jake has the brightest smile on his face as Erika says these words and gives her a peck on the lips,as they go round for the second time they get to the top again and Jake thought this would be the perfect moment
J-I love you too Erika and I'm sorry for not doing this sooner but I was just waiting for the perfect time,I just want you too know that even though we have only known eachover for about 2 make me laugh and smile more than anyone ever has so erika?
E-yeah *she says as she knew what was coming and was practically exploding inside*
J-will you be my girlfriend?.......
E-yes jake i will be your girlfriend*she giggles at how serious,but cute he was and leans in and kisses him really soft and passionately as jake tucks her hair behind her ear,they pull away after about 30 seconds*
E-ummm sorry to ruin the moment but do you not feel like we have been going for hours on this ride
J-well I may have gave the man a slight tip for abit of extra time.
E-you do two much for me.....boyfriend
He laughed
J-well it just so happens that I have got you another gift.....girlfriend*he replied and she giggled*
E-seriously I dot think I can take it
J-just trust me
Jake gets a box out of his back pocket and sets it in erika's hand
E-what is th..*she got cut of*
J-shhhhh quickly open it I didn't give them that bigger tip
She laughs
E-ok ok
Erika's pov-I open the box  and it reveals a Beautiful necklace in a heart shape
J-open it
I open it and see the people who I love most.I can't believe that he has put this much effort into this for me,I've honestly fallen deeper that deep for this boy.My eyes begin to water as I slide over to the other side of the seat and hug him really tight
E-thankyou so much jake
J-your welcome
E-where did you get this from*she points to the picture of her mum and dad*
J-that's my little secret*he winked at her*
E-so it wasn't the one in my vanity draw*she realised*
J-it's unlucky to guess secrets you know
She laughs
E-I love you
J-I love too
they both lean in again and kiss
M/A-WAHOOO YEAH *they clap from the over carts behind them
Jake and Erika Both pull away in different levels of red,laughing.How do they always seem to just be there at there perfect jerika moments.

Erika's pov-Today topped my list for the best day that I have had here at college even though it was a hard chose.I can't believe how my life is now.I have best friends,I have my modelling job that don't worry I am just getting started with ,I have good grades,I have a Costell has a boyfriend that I am too head over heals in love with to even comprehend,and the necklace that he gave me means even more too me it shows that whatever happens to anyone,like my parents I can still have a part of them with me and I always will,the same for Jake no matter what the future holds for us he was my first everything.
That night we get back from the fair.Me and Jake seem to have christened my bed and I turn to his face whilst he is sleeping.I wipe the sweat off of his head and think about how qiuckly things can change....for the better.

That's it for this fan fic I know it's a really small story but I  have got other  ideas and I wanted this one to be all happy and how they met so yeah hope you enjoyed it xxx

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