Chapter 7

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Erika's pov-I wake up still with a smile on my face after the amazing events that happened yesterday.when I gave Sarah (the vs women)my number she texted me whilst we was in McDonald's asking me to come in at 12 today and I'm not going to lie I have never been so scared,but I need to workout so my body is in its best shape for later on.I quickly set up my new iPhone that I still couldn't be more thankyou full for,I mean I've only known the kid for 4 days.who new you could fall for someone that quick but like I said I want to take things slow.
After i get back from the gym I walk in to my three best friends dancing to music whilst cooking breakfast.
I shout back and walk over to island and sit on a stool.Jake was plating up some scrambled egg for McKenzie himself and Anthony.
J-want any rik?
E-I'm fine thankyou jake
A-why,he isn't gonna poison you you know.
E-*giggles*i know it's just i all ready feel like I'm gonna be sick,I don't know how to model I'm not gonna lie to yall.
M-come on you'll be fine,we believe in you,you but if I could give you some advice for any job interview is just to act confident even if your not they like that.
E-I know thankyou mckenzie but it's just..
M-what rik
E-what if I'm not pretty enough*she said really fast*
Just then Jake started choking on his scrambled egg really over dramatically,so Anthony slapped him on the back.
A-you good bro
J-yeah it's just i..I just heard Erika say she wasn't pretty enough.
A-wow so you wasn't actually chocking.
J-no but thanks for the slap.
M-aaawww you too are cute.
E-I know #janthony.
M-no silly you and Jake.
E-oh *me and Jake both looked down and blushed*anyway thankyou I guess jake but I'm going to shower and try and wash off my nerves.*i start walking to  my door when I feel jake walk behind me so I turn round in the entrance to my room*
J-I'm serious yanno
J-you are probably too pretty and your body is perfect so just relax and enjoy the amazing opportunity.
E-thanks jake and also thankyou for the gifts again I probably didn't seem sincere enough last night I was just in shock.
J-your welcome *i give her a hug and a quick peck on the lips,she blushes and heads to go in the shower as I turn round to finish eating my food*
*mckenzie slaps his arm*
M-shut up there cute.
J-*blushed,yet again*
M-you really like her don't you
J-yes I do and I don't care Anthony.
A-okaaayy but what gifts did you get her.
J-well she smashed her iPhone so I bought her the newest one and a new MacBook.
A-yep he definitely really likes her.
*they all laugh*

Erika just got out the shower and now is just getting into some jeans and a crop top as she gets her hair and makeup done there.she walks out and sees them all standing there waiting to see her out.
E-see you later guys *she said nervously*
She hugs McKenzie then Anthony and then Jake as they were hugging Jake says.
J-you've got this ok your beautiful
E-I don't think you've said that before jake
J-well you just need to be reminded anyway go and get it girl.
E- ok bye guys ily.

Erika's pov-I just got here from a long taxi ride of me fiddling with my thumbs and practicing my serious face like you do in photos,the taxi driver probably thought I was a weirdo.Any way I get here to a massive office and as I walk to the front desk I speak to the lady.
E-hey I'm erika Costell her for a photoshoot
??-oh yes just down the hall,the third door down.
As I walk down the beautifully varnished floors past very professionally looking people I reach the right door,take a deep breath in and think come on Erika you've got this act confident.i nock on the door
S-come in
E-I walk in and see about 5 makeup and hair stylists with a model each sat at a vanity but there was an empty one at the end.
S-Erika hey I've been waiting for you
E-hi it's nice to see you again *i say with a strong smile*

The photo shoot actually goes great with Sarah helping me by my side and me feeling the best I have ever felt it's like I've done this forever.Its been about 3 hours of me trying on different underwear and taking photos but I finally get ready to leave and say to sarah
E-thankyou so much do you know by any chance when you can get back to me.
S-i think it will be around 8 tonight but I'm not certain.also Erika you did great I'll not be  suprised if they didn't use them pictures on the website...whoops I shouldn't have said that never mind I'll catch you later.
E-ok thankyou so much.
I walk  out the door and have the biggest smile on my face even though I shouldn't get my hopes up I just had the best time I love makeup and posing for photos and I met some other  great models.
Jakes pov-As erika has been out for her interview we have all been planning a dinner and then a surprise house party or doom party at our place after hopefully she gets good news at the restaurant but if it's bad news we will text everyone to leave before we get home and act like nothing happened.
Erika just walked back in and saw Jake mckenzie chance and Anthony playing video games.
E-hey guys
They all turned around
J/C/A/M-how did it go
E-great actually I feel like I've been doing it forever but you know I'm just hoping for some good news later on.
M-amazing have you got any photos
E-yes 2 secs *she gets up photos on her phone to show them*here

M-amazing have you got any photos E-yes 2 secs *she gets up photos on her phone to show them*here

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M-wow Rik your hot A/c-yeahJ-*jake was still looking at the photos untill chance and Anthony said that he hit them over the head and said*shut up that hot girl you see there is not up for looking at freely Erika blushed because he was getting jeal...

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M-wow Rik your hot
J-*jake was still looking at the photos untill chance and Anthony said that he hit them over the head and said*shut up that hot girl you see there is not up for looking at freely
Erika blushed because he was getting jealous
E-anyway what do you think jake
J-I mean can you send me a copy of those
M-eeeww jake don't say that
E-*Erika smacks his arm*anyway can we do something tonight you know to block out the nerves.
M-actually we have dinner reservations at 7:30 for this place that my cousin recommended she said it's hard to get in so I had to book.
E-ok then for the first time today let's go do my hair and makeup *she responded sarcastically and walked into her room with McKenzie to get ready.*

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